Iris Rayne

I’m sorry to hear you went through all that but I’m very glad you managed to get out of it.

You could be right. But I have a sneaking, horrible suspicious that it might be even worse than that. That Josh learned that behavior from his dad (or maybe his mom, but usually it’s the dad). And that that’s why the cop is a family friend, because those two guys had something in common. And that’s why they have so

only 4 that we know of. People with this kind of mental disease just don’t stop because some magical sky fairy tells him to. If he has don't it in the past, the chances are good that he still doing it. Has been asking HIS children whether daddy likes to touch them?

cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias.

I make it a policy to burn bridges hard after breakups, so I never got to find out what the exes who matter thought. When I found out my ex-fiancé had gotten engaged though (a couple years before I was happily committed), I went and got drunk and talked mad shit about him and his bride to a sympathetic friend.

Kids are hilarious! They have no filters and they think bodies are the funniest things in the world, especially parts they don’t personally have.

1) Suck in stomach while wearing a bikini at a public beach

I will never understand how feminists can *not* be angry. This anger that permeates feminism is absolutely justified, and since women are currently losing ground and gains are being unmade, I would expect the least we can do is understand why. At which point does being a second-class citizen become something we should


Feminine women dressed in men's attire is my biggest turn on

I’ll wait for the next model of scent diffuser/iPhone speaker/funeral urn/dildo that has an espresso function.

They’re shielding the identity of the child for his privacy, but you know, its not out of the question that this child does have developmental disabilities. Lots of kids do. It’s also possible he was acting on a dare, was bullied into doing it, or all kinds of other things. I don’t really see the point in scrutinizing

Along with all the other side effects mentioned, I want to add one more. As an on-again-off-again pot smoker (I've been in this pattern for about 10 years now), I noticed that during my periods of heavy use (smoking everyday for weeks at a time), I don't dream while I sleep, or possibly, I remember nothing from my

I was seeing one of my longtime best guy friends (whom I'd kissed a couple times over the course of our friendship, but had just started, like, being with in any more significant capacity). He told me that he loved me quickly. The whole thing was very intense. I'd been hearing rumors from mutual friends that he was

College, I was dating a douche y Navy ROTC dude who lived in his frat house. He bailed on a date night with me because he was "sick," so being a dutiful girlfriend, I took some chicken noodle soup over to the frat house. Walk in, walk up to his room, and there he is, banging some rando chick. I hurled the soup at

I have been saying for YEARS that I can't wait to be a weird 70-something with a sequined muummuu. It is going to be so great.

So because people are being jerks to you for your choice, you will turn around and be a jerk to other people for their choice. I don't want kids either and I deal with some shit because of it, but seriously—shitting on other women is not the way to correct this.

OK, I'm totally in support of pregnant ladies here, but claiming that being pregnant is "doing more for other people than anyone else in the world does" is part of the bullshit that makes people mad at pregnant women. Yeah, you're being a creature that is half you, that you hope will be around to help

I would've answered with 'Once was enough.' If she's asking inappropriate questions, give her the answer she wants to hear least of all.

I agree. I don't understand all the love for skinny jeans in this thread. They only really look good on tall women with smaller hips and thin legs. That body type is anamolous. I'm a tall, thin woman with slim legs but my hips give me the dreaded ice cream cone shape when I wear skinny jeans.