
You know what halftime show doesn’t get enough credit? Katy Perry. I’m not a fan of that brand of pop, but as a purely bonkers spectacle, she really delivered. Everyone rightly remembers Left Shark, but let’s also not forget her entering the field on a giant mechanical lion, and then ending the show flying around the

I normally couldn’t give a shit about Billie Eilish, but I hope she tells Kanye to go fuck himself.

Hmm, do I side with the artist who paused her show to ensure a fan is safe and well, or the artist who posts an unpunctuated all caps rant about an unmentioned third party in a public forum? How do you make that call?

Even harder to believe it needs a new restaurant and comedy club.

I feel like that was the last time Kanye had anything sensible to say.

I hear Pete Davidson is willing to step in if Kanye can’t perform.

Consider this your periodic reminder that Kanye tried to help Donald Trump get reelected, to the point of allowing some shady shenanigans done in his name. I don’t know why nobody seems to remember or care

You expect to hear this from wealthy, entitled assholes, so this tracks.

Chappelle’s claim that the town council was trying to making him “audition” is the kind of smug peevishness that seems to characterize his personality these days.  By “audition,” he meant that the town council did not automatically give him what he wanted, and instead treated him like he was one of many citizens of

It’s rather rich that of the $65m-a-year he’s apparently pumped (or is planing to pump) into Yellow Springs, apparently none of that has gone (or is going, from these reports) towards affordable housing, but instead businesses that stand to financially benefit him.

It’s one thing to be opposed to developments that will

It also sounds like the kinds of excuses NIMBYers always make: “I love affordable housing, just not this particular affordable housing development that happens to be IMBY.” There’s always some complaint—it’s in the wrong style, it obstructs someone’s view, that parking lot is a historic landmark, etc.—that offers a

That exact same argument has been used for decades (if not centuries) to keep out some “undesired” class, whether it be Blacks, Jews, or poor people. It’s a bullshit argument. Aesthetics are not more important than people.

I posted something similar above. Clips, fun host, a little music. They showed so few clips last year I wasn’t even sure what movies or actors they were talking about.

right? like i’m a rare breed in that i genuinely like awards shows. i like the spectacle, the weird combinations of creatives, etc...but as an award show fan they’ve genuinely gotten worse, so i can only imagine how bad it looks to someone who doesn’t like them to begin with.

I wish they would stop trying to “modernize” the Oscars or whatever it is they’ve been doing the past few years to try to bring in new viewers. It’s never going to happen. Seth Rogen is right in the sense that you’re not going to make people who don’t care about the Oscars care. But for the people who do care — or at

Odd that Dune didn’t get a best director nom.

21 years ago? Yes. 

I can’t believe it’s 2022 and fat suits are still a thing.

From the commercial it gave me the Friends episodes when Monica wears a fat suit vibes. Not great.

What was going through the heads of the show creators on this one? They HAD to have known there would be controversy over the casting. Did they just figure they’d roll the dice and hope folks wouldn’t notice?