
To all of the Jezebel staffers, I’m so sorry. Your value has never been properly recognized by the bean counters who misunderstand media so completely. I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and getting to know all of you through your unique voices, even when we may have disagreed or approached an issue from a different

I’ll miss all of you. I’ve been commenting here for a decade, enjoyed many great writers, and met a lot of wonderfully kind and thoughtful people. Thanks, Jez. I’ll miss ya. The 500 days of Kristin will never die!

Absolutely. If a Republican president is elected and we’ve got a Republican House and Senate, they’re sending a total or near-total (6 weeks, no exceptions) ban to president to sign. And if it’s Haley or someone else, it doesn’t matter. That Republican president will all of the sudden believe something like, “This

Came here after hearing about the shut down. Thanks for being one of my favorite sites for almost 10 years. Y’all deserved so much better

The actors strike ends (pending a vote) and Jez gets shut down for good. Thanks for the memories Jez.

To assume those polls mean anything right now is buffoonery. Of course nobody is terribly excited about Biden, but when the GE rolls around and Trump puts his face into second gear, he will start hemorrhaging support because people who vote don’t pay attention to anything before like, the summer before the election.

If you still believe in the mythological “2023 moderate Republican” then I’d maybe be careful throwing around words like “clownishly.” 

Aside from places like Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and huge swaths of the South.

Conservatives’ hysteria about “Cancel Culture” increasingly leads them to embrace people who don’t have any values you’d consider “conservative” in a traditional sense. Brand’s main conservative credential is that he is terrible, and thinks terrible people shouldn’t face any consequences for being terrible.  

It’s always the person you least suspect. Here, Brand is the person you most suspect, which makes you think you shouldn’t suspect him, which makes him the person you least suspect.

“Well, I’m a mother too. I know what you’re experiencing, and we’re all very afraid for our children—even if they’re exaggerating,” Casey reportedly told her...

But how can you expect someone to raise 3 kids on ONLY $20 000 per month?!  That’s enough for like, one banana.

Just buy her a boat. Her kids will literally live on the ocean.

That has been happening for a while, and certainly seems like it is getting worse. The big blockbusters are getting bigger and more expensive and the little movies are getting tiny. So there is a bigger in-between range of movies that don't exist. Like looking at box office mojo for July and August, where are the date

The problem is that every studio is chasing the same formula - a couple of major tentpole releases that provide most of the revenue for the year.  That might work if everyone else is putting out smaller-budget films, but what we have now is Major Events and small-budget fare.  The middle has been hollowed out, where

Ross and Rachel deserved each other in a save the rest of the world from Typhoid Mary by locking her up kind of way by pairing them off and hence sparing everyone else from either of them.

For all the romanticism about seeing movies in the theater, it’s pretty clear that a significant portion of the movie-consuming population would much rather just watch at home, all things considered.

Being a grown adult that feels threatened by Barbie must be wild

Meatball Ron is the Jeb! of the 2024 primaries. People thought he’d be a major contender or even frontrunner, but he’s been actively crashing and burning since before he even announced. I think the main reasons are that no one can out Trump the Orange One, his particular brand of Florida politics does not play