
I live in Florida and I concur. This one really hurt though. The polling seemed like it could really happen this time. It’s always soooo close, too, which somehow makes it feel worse (vs. some big blowout).

I know it’s pretty late now so I don’t know if you will see this, but I had an issue two years ago that sounds very similar to yours. I have PCOS and began having unexplained bleeding that started to get severe and wasn’t responding to BCPs. My gyn did a D&C (found a few small fibroids but nothing to explain the

Right now - Orlando is okay. It’s not even raining where I am (east side). We are definitely nervous but according to the latest update the storm has moved more west so there is some optimism that it won’t be too bad. The worse issue is that the right side of the storm (where Orlando is) can have bad wind or even

I’m in Orlando so I don’t know for certain, but I think the coast was just evacuating IF you live on the water or a barrier island area. Also any trailer parks or manufactured homes. Further slightly inland wasn’t mandatory. My brother lives right on the Indian River in Brevard County and he was evacuated and is

You forgot Kuffs. And Mobsters. Dang we suffered through a lot of bad Christian Slater movies. Was it the hair? The smirk?

This is a hard call. I also have naturally curly hair (I never straighten though), and it is on the thinner side due to PCOS. I had it very long for quite a few years, and it looked more and more scraggly, so a few months ago I had it cut to shoulder length and had it layered (this is key!) It looks at least 2x

I know it’s late but I’d like to thank all of you. I’ve lost pets before (cats and dogs) but they’ve been sick and had to be euthanized. I’ve never had one just die, so it has felt sharper somehow. As silly as it seems, I feel guilty that she didn’t wake me up or “tell” me somehow; I just wish I had been there for

I’ve never started a post here but I just really needed some support tonight. One of my cats died on Valentine’s Day morning. I was sleeping and I woke up because I heard an odd noise at 6:30 am. It turned out to be her moaning right before she died. I found her behind the curtains by the sliders, just laying on

The Goonies!

I don’t understand his “send it to the states” position on abortion. If you’re pro-life, what’s the point of overturning Roe v. Wade if abortion would still be available? Why even bother? He is basically saying “Well, I don’t believe in abortion, but it’s okay if you get one in New Jersey?”

I have two thoughts:

When you buy a Groupon it comes with instructions for redemption. There’s a voucher number that you have to give them that let’s them (the business) know that you have an authentic Groupon. Some places just take the number when you call them to book an appointment, and others want the whole printout.

This is the most appropriate this gif has ever been.