
I can’t wait to hear all the new songs like “Whistle While You Protest For Fair Labor Practices” and “Someday My Prince Will Rob Me Of My Agency.”

Just wanna say thank you for being so terrific at your job. The readership will forever be in your corner!

You know you’re old when bands that you were too old to appreciate the first time around go on a nostalgia tour. Yikes.

I can’t delete my comment, so I’ll make this post. G/O Media sucks and treats their employees like shit. I feel bad for those who were pushed around and pushed out. As much as I can, I stand with those editors and writers who are getting screwed over. It’s a shame. This website used to be wonderful. It had a culture

No, that’s the Offspring, not Nirvana, wrong end of the decade.

Have any of them been for a while now?

I hear you on the greater point, but I think the key difference is that Kim isn’t asking Pete to cosplay as Kanye.

I would be so pissed if I went on a date with a guy who had clothes lined up for me to put on. That is not sexy. It is controlling. All of this is just a fucking ruse anyway.

You’re right it is not a great movie, its a fuckin fantastic movie!!

Det. Logan is probably re-assigned to Staten Island

anyone else ever see Vibes?

I want Holland and Maguire to do the upside down kiss with each other! 

Calling him the absentee father of a newborn is seriously selling short his parenting.

Yesterday, a small group of minimum wage-earning kids formed a union at a coffee shop. This photo says it all to me:

Seriously, Six Feet Under was a B+ show that went out with an A+ closer. It is possibly the worst imaginable candidate for a reboot/remake. Fucking it up is a statistical certainty. It’s the antithesis of Michael C. Hall’s other revival, which isn’t great but had nowhere to go but up.

The original series finale is rolling in it’s grave.

A 27 course tasting menu should add up to an entree

That was a pretty fancy nipple shield she was wearing to not be planning to show it to somebody.

Chappelle’s entire thesis has already been proven wrong. He says (and the bigots here say) that if you criticize queer people, you get canceled. No. If you criticize queer people, you get a microphone, thousands of audience members, a paycheck of $24 million dollars, a special on a major streaming platform, and

Ah yes, the classic non-apology - “I’m sorry I did a bad job explaining just how little of a shit I give about your problems.”