
When Samara came out of the TV in The Ring. For years I had little half moon scars in my knuckles from the girl I was with digging her nails into my fingers in sheer terror.

As a kid... Either seeing a dead E.T.

Technically cheating, BUT:

1988. I’m 4 years old. Movie advertisements being what they were, and a complete lack of internet, my parents thought a good first movie-going experience for me should be Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Cut to the movies introduction of Judge Doom. The best way to illustrate (pardon the pun) that

When cis women are telling trans women that genitals determine gender, when cis women call trans women “infiltrators” or “rapists of the female form”, and literally telling us that we’re “not a lesbian” because we’re trans, they don’t get a free pass from me.

Also RE: the not a lesbian stuff-I can find a few bad

Finally I have found someone else who thinks this way. I don’t eat a ton of meat anymore, but when I do I need the texture to be either lean or falling apart in my mouth. I don’t want a rubbery chew. At Chipotle I’ve always gone with the barbacoa, because I feel like the shredded nature helps break it down even

I can understand people who say they prefer a fatty piece of meat if that meat is well marbled. That sort of cut will be easy to chew because the fat is dispersed throughout. But I don’t get people who like big chunks of fat running through their meat. That kind of fat is hard to chew and has a horrible texture, and

There’s visible fat in some pieces, which is nice to see, especially in comparison to Chipotle’s steak. ... Personally, I like having some fat in there for the sake of richer flavor, precisely because the other red meat options are lean. Fatty protein is a good addition to the Chipotle lineup.

The “What is” thing annoys me, but I understand it. If you train yourself to just phrase every answer as “What is,” it frees your brain up from trying to make it syntactically correct, so you can concentrate more on the answer itself. What irritates me most about him is that he starts with the highest money value

Bly Manor was just so meandering. Pick a lane and drive in it!

This is so interesting, I’ve seen quite a few reviews really praise this show. Given that I personally LOVED Hill House and loved what Bly Manor was trying to do (though it failed in the end) Midnight Mass is probably gonna be a more positive watch for me.

It’s not that he’s 27, it that he looks old as fuck. Kaitlyn Denver’s 24, and she’s positively baby-faced next to him. How anyone thought that doing... that to his hair would be a good idea is beyond me.

I don’t know, I watch a lot of shows and movies where people in their late 20’s are playing teenagers and even from the trailer something about Platt here felt extra off? I think the deliberate attempts to make him look younger ended up making him look older than he actually is in a way that just leaving it alone

More like Tod Browning’s Freaks, whenever I find out someone I like is actually jewish I’m like ONE OF US ONE OF US

I am a crab-ass who has many pet peeves, but food snobbery is one of my biggest ones. JUST LET PEOPLE LIKE THINGS.

France was a mistake.

When you hit the west coast, you rave about In N Out Burger too (if you don’t have them like I don’t). Chill French people, go surrender or something.

Social Media was a mistake

I find that people overthink burgers and hotdogs way too much. Burgers and hotdogs are what makes America great, they can be whatever you want them to be. You want to eat them dry as fuck with nothing on them? Hey no skin off my back. You want to stack everything under the sun on them Dagwood style? Be my guest. There

Blue cheese is just ranch with blue cheese in it.

Mac and Cheese doesn’t belong on a sandwich. It is its own dish. Putting it between bread is just...weird.