
Selena Gomez is the new Chevy Chase!

Those three together were great. My favorite exchange by far was:

“Hi, I’m Peter Parker.”
“I’m Doctor Strange.”
“Oh, we’re using our made-up names. I’m Spider-Man.”
(Strange just looks away disgustedly)

Yeah, it was in the trailer, but it was a fantastic fucking joke.

The Ultimate Sports Movie Question: Did Dottie Henson intentionally tank that play & let Kit have her moment at the end of the movie?

Fan favorite LeVar Burton, meanwhile, had to contend both with summer heat and the Olympics, which likely contributed to him scoring the lowest ratings out of all the show’s guest hosts.

Nah, not passive aggressive enough. How about a 6' inflatable Tigger

Ambrosia missed a golden chance to just reply, “Ma’am, I’m sorry you were Tiggered.”

Classism, racism, and fat-shaming, all in one post? My friend, you’ve hit MAGA BINGO!

I’m a big fan of the guy, but he wasn't a great host, in my opinion

Shut down the thread.

So that’s why he’s called Winnie the Pooh.

I can only stretch my suspension of disbelief so far. There is just no way that there are two child prodigy doctors named Doogie.

It’s almost a perverse way of maintaining the pressure that Biles seems to be buckling under.

Yeah, I’m thrown off by how everyone seems to be saying , “GREAT! This is fantastic news!” It is not fantastic news. It sucks for her teammates, it sucks for the people who could have gone in her place, and quitting mid-competition is really not something to celebrate. We can be compassionate about the decision, but

Can we find some more nuanced way of discussing this? Can we acknowledge that it is important and right for Biles to look after her mental and physical health, while also acknowledging that what happened to day was not, in fact, “worth celebrating?” It is unfortunate that she was unable to complete the competition and

Oh no! I...didn’t know any of these shows existed.

“Thank heaven for little gi—”

Now we just need every other shade of tiktoker to go on strike and we’ll be good.

Until companies and managers start protecting their employees, and ditch the inaccurate and outdated model of “The customer is always right,” this is just the beginning. The years I spent working retail included being screamed at almost daily by people because Oprah’s latest promoted book had sold out within five