
body positivity is good and fine but you think we’ve gone too far and are a bunch of fatties, is what you’re saying?

Temporary issues solved with permanent price increases!

Every time I see that title, I think of this

I’m both shocked and disappointed by the apparently large overlap between AV Club Commentariat and Joe Rogan defenders.

Was anyone making fun of him? Most people seemed concerned about him and his health, which I would call “kind” not “unkind.” 

It has no basis under the Constitution or any legitimate legal framework.”

I saw that movie in the theater as a teen. Me and a buddy were talking before the movie, using R-rated language, not noticing that the guy in front of us had his kid with him. His about 6-year old kid. At an R-rated movie. We mostly didn’t notice the kid because his head was way below the seat level.

I thought the View was supposed to be about a group is supposedly intelligent women speaking their mind. The problem is Meghan is not intelligent. And I am not saying that as a Democrat dissing a Republican. I am saying that as an intelligent college graduate and well read person. She is legit there for her name. She

As someone who was a minor when parents were divorced and am now an attorney, it would have been cruel to make those kids testify. This is something for court-appointed therapists to discuss with the children and parents to make a determination. Having kids testify in front of a judge about which parent they like more

I don’t really understand the appeal of this collection but being plus sized my whole life I haven’t really felt a lack of oversized pieces with weird sleeves. I feel like Eloquii has a lot of the same vibe going on with ruffles, sleeves and bright prints if people are into it.

How about we fire her out of a cannon? 

How about they fire Meghan McCain instead because she’s a fucking Federalist troll now.

Is it me, or doesn’t Barry Keoghan look a lot like Ezra Miller? 

I dunno man.

First, let us acknowledge that Tilda absolutely rocks this role, both in Dr. Strange and in her brief scenes in Endgame. And if there is a Force Ghosty role for her down the road, I want her to have it.

The worst part about any streaming show with ads is that you get the same fucking ad 6 times in a row.

I hope Daisy lives a good long time.

I’ve been on board with wide-leg pants for a while (jeans are a different story), but my biggest problem is the fucking crop. WHY are all these pants cropped mid-calf?! It looks awkward and terrible on everyone, but particularly me because I am short and have ankles like tree trunks. Make pants normal length again I

I guess necrophilia does avoid the whole consent problem. Disney definitely should use this argument.

Couldn’t make it to the middle of the article, huh?