jia you could stay
This isn’t 100% correct. There are documentaries that give you new insights about the world and make you think about things in different ways, and then there’s shark week.
I had my daughter read the draft of this post before it went up, as I usually have her do when she’s mentioned in my writing. She thinks the article’s fine but would like to add that she really did brush her teeth and try to sleep in those instances. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The leader of the Spokane, Washington chapter of the NAACP is being accused of pretending to be a black woman. The…
Regardless of which end of whatever pond you’re on, region blocked content is annoying. Whether you’re an ex-pat…
This is hard for me. I definitely suffer from the failure-related anxiety, but I don't think it was a result of thinking I was really smart - more from thinking that I'm not when my logical brain knows I'm no idiot. So actually I feel like for me that if I had been told more that I could do things, I might have…
I was the kid that was reading Dickens before I was eleven. I don't think that really makes me all that special though, and I didn't feel all that smart or special about it back then. It was actually really alienating. My teachers knowing that I was an advanced reader and learner made them separate me from the rest of…
I am sitting in a rented banquet chair watching Carly Fiorina remove her headset. In a moment, I will stand, smile…
I think reducing Gone with the Wind's appeal to the dresses is pretty reductive. (I'm guessing you were joking! But many people aren't.) The story has a hell of a lot going for it—the way Scarlett manages to survive all the stuff she goes through (and all of the stuff she brings upon herself) is tremendously appealing…
I'm especially tired of large corporate persons (minority) running this country.
There are tons of ways to make money online, in your spare time and maybe with very little effort. From…
"Unless a waiter can be a gentleman, democracy is a failure. If any form of service is menial, democracy is a…
It would've made my day if the little girl told the busybody that she wasn't supposed to talk to strangers.
What's really upsetting about this story is that it's happening at the same time as reproductive rights restrictions. So: Don't have an abortion, don't have access to birth control, but once you have that kid, child care? You're on your own.
This is the first 'frivolous' Jezebel post that I've absolutely loved. Well done. :)
Sound like you need to read this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Mumbo-Jumb…
I kind of want to rip off your list for a go at the Recruits program. That would be a sweet beat.