
Yeah if the film adaptation sticks to how the book sets up the different narrative voices (at least one of which is unreliable), then these reductive summaries of its plot will be pretty comical in retrospect. I only worry that they keep getting repeated and people who haven’t read the book believe them (like what’s

Based on an excellent book and the collaboration with Emma Stone and Lanthimos on this adaptation looks very interesting.

Could anyone have predicted that Jimmy Fucking Fallon would somehow host the Tonight Show for [check notes] almost ten years!? He’s such an insufferable hack, who is watching him?

Jimmy goddamn Fallon is making fun of OTHER people for not being funny?

The more well-known one was the Toba catastrophe, 74000 BCE.

The fact that you focused on the 3 or 4 lines about the “obese on welfare” clearly shows that you don’t understand the song any better than those GOP candidates. The song isn’t about welfare or even taxes really. It’s about the fact that working men in this country will work themselves near to death with nothing to

They reunited without him because he didn’t want to play with them anymore. He was a total prick, screwing them out of songwriting royalties and generally treating them like day players in their own band. What exactly have they done and said that Byrne didn’t deserve?

Life is fucked up. If reality troubles you then stick with Disney.

Art can be fucked up because life can be fucked up. The point of it is catharsis. Fucked up art will always be made and consumed because we’re anxious and neurotic creatures who either experience or worry about horrible things happening. As long as there isn’t real misery inflicted upon people or animals, then it’s

Not everyone is so delicate. Old Boy, in particular, is a phenomenal movie. 

It’s Almost Impossible To Find A Decent Used Car Under $20,000"

Why not? Assholes come in every gender, skin tone, ethnicity, and body type.

I think society changed enough since then that we all collectively realized how silly it was that we prudishly shamed Reubens for doing a totally harmless normal thing, and Reubens felt that.

Dude was brilliant in every role. Even his turn in the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer elevated a largely forgettable movie. It’s a shame all his talent was overshadowed by the fact that he pulled pud in a smut house.

FFS, there was no “reveal” yesterday, no more than Art Bell’s callers “revealed” aliens. Until we see a body or a truly otherworldly piece of tech for ourselves, nothing happened yesterday that was any different from the family that swore they had a talking mongoose with human hands. 

For anyone smart enough to not watch those hearings, the guy ranted at one point about wormholes, the Vatican, and Benito Mussolini covering up alien evidence.  Yeah I'm calling bullshit.

This series is going to be like the Dune series. The original books by the original author end in cliffhanger at the time of the author’s death. Someone will come along to write a massively inferior ending leaving everyone extremely disappointed.

We’ve created a society where the uber rich can make the stupidest fucking decisions imaginable, ruin people’s careers and lives, and never face any consequences.

A movie so good, they have to give tickets away for people to see it.  

Piers Morgan is not a serious person.