
I saw both Poor Things and KOFM. Emma Stone is much more front and center in her movie and her performance is very showy. Lily Gladstone’s performance is much quieter and for me impactful. However, it isn’t hard to see why Stone took home the Oscar. Nobody got robbed of anything.

“Robbing” is a strong and inappropriate word. It would have been awesome to see Gladstone win because I really loved her performance, but Stone’s was also really incredible, and a much bigger part of her film. The award was up for grabs especially between the two of them, and not for Gladstone to lose.

Wow. You're a very emotional snowflake 

Lol, comment section here is exactly what I expected.

A bunch of whining that “the stakes are too high” to make fun of Joe Biden. Once again: it is not the media’s job, nor has it ever been the media’s job, to overlook the flaws in your favorite candidate just because you view it as necessary for the greater good. If

Donald Trump isn’t an existential threat. He’s a known threat. If anyone votes for him at this point, it’s a vote for the continued destruction of America as an institution. And putting Joe Biden as the alternate choice is the Democrats giving every single person who hasn’t already made up their mind every reason they

Dr Baby’s response to you tells you everything you need to know about the way this discourse always plays out. If you don’t agree with the leaps in logic that it takes to arrive at “jokes = harm”, then you’ll be labeled a nazi. Modern progressive purity, via the toxicity of social media, is a bane on people’s ability

This is the kind of thing we have to stop doing. Dave Chapelle is funny, says funny things, and makes jokes. Some of those jokes hit, some of those jokes feel a little dated now or maybe don’t work well with the way some people’s values have changed, but it’s just comedy. He isn’t out there advocating for anything

Just like America right now.

Americans are FAR to lazy for a mass uprising.  The biggest coup attempt of the last 200 years was basically just incels acting like they rushed the field at a college football game.

He’s just a guy that got really good grades in business school.

I agree. It’s outrageous that this television miniseries does not show every single event and participant in World War II.

Was Minhaj actually told he’s not getting the job, or is that just a funny story he made up for a new stand up routine?

I wish the avclub would have leaned into the bit and have that Ray Greene guy review this.

Interesting...Martin Scorsese...I think some huge fucking loser actually just wrote something about him

Drew is dangerously untalented.  The weakest link in any project I’ve seen her in.  Seriously.  Or did I miss a swath of her amazing work?

I was hoping we’d actually get to the 90s before the show was over and grapple with his HIV diagnosis and what going public meant (and what his relationship with Buss in the aftermath).

The stuff with Franken was fucking stupid. The people who started banging the drum against him were not acting in good faith, but managed to make enough of a racket to get a sitting Senator to step down. It was basically a more successful version of what happened to James Gunn.

Despite this, still a great read. Mezrich’s casino books about blackjack and online poker also very compelling reads.

D’Onofrio with the Philip Seymour Hoffman vibes.

There are fewer better poster children for shitty automation than self-checkout. I have literally never, as in not one single time, successfully completed a checkout at a self-service station in a grocery store without having to call a human employee over. And it’s not because I’m an idiot. Or not entirely, anyway.