
Thank you - of the few books I’ve listened to on this (including Sam Kean’s entertaining ‘The Bastard Brigade’), the Nazis were not in the running for the most part, although that won’t make entertaining cinema.  I see that they’ve cast Heisenberg so expect we’ll see some fluff up of that storyline.

I really hope that this is based on the recently published nonfiction work “Flying Blind” by Peter Robison.  It was a great read documenting Boeing’s crapification from an engineering company to one run by the beancounters for the sake of the shareholders.  Says a lot about the company as well as the US.  Quite the

I can’t argue with your top 5.  Anything after Daydream Nation was just not up to the snuff of their earlier output.  I recall liking Goo when it was released, but it was mostly for love of the earlier albums - I can’t listen to it these days.  

I just finished “The Free World: Art & Thought in the Cold War” by Louis Menand. It’s a somewhat comprehensive history of American culture from the end of WWII to Vietnam. It can kind of be read as a series of mini-biographies, mostly covering writers, critics, artists and musicians. Enjoyed it in spite of not always

Just remember plebs, based on his average wealth gains during the pandemic, Elon Musk will get $24 million richer during tonight’s Saturday Night Live. The show is 90 minutes long.

Are there any other culture sites that haven’t lost their collective mind about this issue and objectively look at what happened in this case? Only recall that that Salon/Slate occasionally published Woody dunking articles and the commentary was heated but mixed. This site seems to be so far gone that the mere mention

It’s gonna be a weird post-Corona concert with Ariel Pink & Ted Nugent. The encore duet with the both of them playing Cat Scratch Fever will be at once ethereal and weirdly aggressive.

How does his guitar solo sound on Cat Scratch Fever? I bet it’s very ethereal.

My top 20 published this year - I guess my favorite was ‘Entangled Life’. On this site’s list I only read Billion Dollar Loser which was OK, but ‘Something that May Shock...’ was pretty bad IMO.

My held digital copy shows the audiobook clocking in at a whopping 1:52, so if it is disappointing, it will be a brief one.  

You’re not looking forward to JD Vance being the junior Senator from KY when McConnel retires/dies, and joins Hawley and Sasse as the kinder and younger version of drowning the govt in a bathtub?

Dowd gave Wonder Wheel, a B or maybe B- movie, a C-. It’s fashionable to jump on Woody hating and commenters here seem to climbing over one other to proclaim how they hated all of his movies before Bananas debuted, but the fact is that he has one of the strongest back catalogs in Film.

I was in Athens at the tail end of the 80's - too late to catch the big name bands in their prime and too early for the Elephant 6 bands, and the out-of-towners had already left (although Stipe was still there, known mainly for his bumming of cigs and bad B.O.).

Yes!  I perk up every time I see that they might be trying to get the Amber series made, but it looks like it will either never happen or be done poorly.  In the hands of HBO and a decent budget it could be GoT level good.

I kind of miss his podcast (when it was free - who would pay for it???).  If you listened to it, you know that this is his schtick - he enjoys stirring the pot.  Sometimes, too vigorously.  

I’m currently reading ‘The Origins of Totalitarianism’ by Hannah Arendt. It’s so often cited and quoted that I had to try to read it. Feels like it was written in the last 2 years and not in 1951. One is consistently blown away by her writing and one can understand why it is so often cited.

What I’ve liked so far this month:

He will...once dogs are not referred to as “Doggos” any longer.

Can you name a specific passage or statement that has come out of this book that you disagree with or consider sloppy? I read (listened) to the entire book on Sunday and I could not identify anything in the entire narrative that seemed made up or hyperbolic.  I’m sure there might be some inaccuracies but the overall