
...I don’t think Julianne Moore is meant to represent all women of her age, having some trouble seeing where that was sold to us. Movies consistently cast ridiculously attractive people and set them upas relatable everymen/everywomen; that’s kind of how movies work and not isolated to Julianne Moore in this movie.

When I first arrived in this country, I knew almost no English. My first TV shows were Dukes of Hazzard and Jeopardy. So this show does inhabit a special place in my heart.

What is a damn shame?

I simply can’t imagine Jeopardy! without Trebek.

Does he not understand what a hypocrite he comes off as here? Where is all his evidence of the people he’s said were predators? Oh the tragic irony.

Season 7 was fine. They had to start wrapping shit up and they were official off the chains from GRR at that point so they could.

6 amazing season but 1 middling albeit entertaining season was all it took? I’m super pumped even if this season is same level as last season. Granted, I am only 9 years old.

She still has the Iron Throne, which is the point of it all.

Sorry Steven, you’re wrong. The fact is that “TV movies” in the traditional sense barely even exist anymore beyond The Hallmark Channel. I would concede that a film designed to fit the rhythms of commercial breaks and edited for time by default is a very different beast from a theatrical film, but Netflix clearly

“He’s more scarf now than man, twisted and evil.” ~ Amber Heard’s lawyer, Obi-Wan Kenobiwitz

But they actually have a very valid reason for what they do. The lack of a separation between church and state at times should be concerning for everyone.

“We’re not what you think we are.”

Yeah! Why can't they just make more Deadpool movies??????????

Lol, stop bitching.

I think the legacy of this will be an actor doing a really dumb thing for attention and fucking himself out of a career.

Cue the cries of, “They’re only doing this for the fun and excitement of pretending they were abused and raped as children.”

That dude is not ugly enough to convincingly play Mick Mars.

I’ve got a bad feeling it’s going to be watered-down and sanitized for 2019, which is a shame because the book is one of the filthiest rock biographies of all time. Machine Gun Kelly and Pete Davidson’s involvement doesn’t exactly instill hope either.

I think Trump’s disproven the whole “no one’s that dumb” line of logic.

Great way to further fuel the Right’s call of bullshit on real problems we have.