
Homophobic and racist attacks happen all the time, and they’re rarely committed by left-wing people. And let’s not pretend MAGA chuds are just peacefully going about in the world, expressing reasonable opinions: the news is full of these assholes attacking people - hell, the other day one of these upstanding citizens

Way to give ammunition to the alt-right MAGA crowd and make it harder for legitimate victims of hate crimes to be believed, dumbfuck.

Leaving aside the fact that one of the people he targeted was fucking 14, lines like:

She never played another gig.”

AND (from a different person)

“We should respect the privacy of a 40-year-old man having phone sex with a 14-year-old girl” is certainly an interesting take!

Right? It’s been out there for years, like Adams’ utter douchebaggery. I’m not saying anyone should have known, or it’s their faults at all, but you know there are really ugly stories out there about those guys and haven’t reached critical mass yet. Well, not for Armisen yet. I tend to think this will vanish Adams. 

This makes me sad. Summer of ‘69 was such a great song, not sure I can enjoy it in the same way.

Adams is scheduled to release postpone, then cancel, then leak three albums this year, beginning with Big Colors on April 19.

I read these wonderful reviews by IV and it just makes me sad to not live by a theater that would ever show the things I most want to see.

Or Porkinson’s

Who’s telling anyone where they can and can’t go to church?

I’m not a like, huge Chris Pratt fan, and I don’t begrudge him being all Jesus-y, if it helped him through stuff. It’s just...I dunno, maybe he should just straight up say “I’m against gay conversion therapy, which is a despicable, hurtful practice,” or even just sit down with Ellen Page to talk. I get the desire to

Lol, fuck off, Chris Pratt.

I am reading Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioural Economics by Richard Thaler.

To be fair, I don’t think it matters what movie comes out in proximity to this one.

One of the Genie’s wish rules is that he can’t bring dead things to life. So not even he can save this movie.

I’ve said for years that football destroys people’s brains. And also the players’ brains!

I went to the same high school as his son and he and my parents are friends... spent some time with him, extremely upstanding guy with nothing but integrity and class. Also took my late grandmother on a “date” to the St. Louis Symphony. 

He does consider his cameo in “Pootie Tang” to be one of his worst decisions...

If mean, if you’re going to be an old white guy fired from your TV job for doing something controversial, criticizing the NFL is probably the least horrifying thing you can do.

I started listening to audiobooks while I workout, and while they don’t keep me pumped up (I’m not really into going beast mode), they help me look forward to my every-other-day weightlifting. Now that is an accomplishment.

What worked for me is audiobooks. I know that listening to your books is a different experience than reading the words on the page or app and it’s not for everyone, but even though I wanted to read, when I was at home I never could stick with it. There were a thousand other things there that I could be doing that were