
I just learned that today too! And that makes Albert Brooks “Albert Einstein,” which just seems cruel of their comedian father.

OK I had no idea Albert Brooks and Bob Einstein were brothers

Surprising how much this one hurts. I remember those Super Dave bits on Letterman so vividly. And how weirdly shocked I was when I learned he was Albert Brooks’ brother. And how whenever he showed up on Arrested Development and Curb, he was always, always great. R.I.P.

Says way more about you than it does about the episode.

Thank you for sharing. Very informative.

Good lord, you can be tiresome in your constant contrarianism. By your measure every president is a war criminal which ignores, you know, the realities of armed conflict. There will always be civilian casualties. The accuracy of drones outdoes manned flight missions and doesn’t put any service personnel at risk. If

I liked him on SNL. His Harry Caray and Robert Goulet are still hilarious and he was about as good a W. Bush impression as we were gonna get. I think Elf is a good Christmas movie (though I do grade Christmas movies on a pretty generous curve) and it makes good use of him. I think he’s another in a long line of SNL

Ah, to view the world through such child like eyes... I envy you.

He does have a point in bringing it up, the same point all disingenuous trolls have: attention.

Okay, I’ll bite.

Every POTUS so far has been an imperialist and war criminal, which should make the observation with regard to one or another pretty banal in the scheme of things. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m saying there’s not really a point to bringing it up.

He would have just pardoned himself, right? Because the President can totally pardon himself, right? Like, you could have the most corrupt president in history, and he could fill his cabinet with crooks and liars, and maintain secret business relationships with a hostile foreign power that may or may not have used

Having lived through the 80's, I now understand why my parents’ generation would sort of roll their eyes when us kids would express nostalgic fascination with things from the 50's, 60's, or 70's. I mean, it was OK and all, but it wasn’t like some sort of magical era I really wish I could return to. Actually, aside

You’re right. Originally with Sacha Baron Cohen as Holmes and Ferrell as Watson. He had 10 years to prepare that goddamn accent.

He was a game show host at the time. Jesus you expect her to have foresight into him one day becoming president. It was a minute long Emmy skit and she’s famous for a TV show primarily. It’s PR and part of her job. Also you’re an idiot.

She's an actress doing a bit with an obnoxious reality tv star for an awards show. This was before the birther shit. Do you ever not cone up with the most spiteful, off-base take? Is this a gimmick account where the gimmick is 'sucking'?

Man, I hope you’re being sarcastic because this is quite possibly the stupidest take on the stupidest of subjects in the stupidest year of stupidest things.

I mean... appearing in an Emmy sketch is hardly “swimming in his slime”

Just curious: why did you read this article?