
Because she had such a promising start to her career and she was so talented as well as reliably delivering the goods in her various rolls, I never doubted that Eastwood derailed her career after their split.  

They wrote that it botches the Scandinavian crime genre, not that it’s set in Scandinavia. Maybe read properly first before you accuse others of ineptitude?

They can pry my cookie dough from my cold, dead hands. I’ve been eating it my whole life and have no plans to stop now.

This is a tough one. Buzzcocks were one of those bands that just clicked with me the right way and have been one of my favorites over half my life.

I’m still very much surprised that their UK career pretty much halted in 1979, they didn’t land a single album on the chart after their reunion, and Shelley only barely scratched the chart with XL-1 in 1983. Considering that Squeeze etc can still have top 40 albums, it’s... weird.

People talk a lot about Glenn Tilbrook and Chris Difford of Squeeze being the best songwriters to come out of that era, but Pete Shelley is well up there. R.I.P. Pete. 

Now playing

Ever Fallen in love (with someone you shouldnt have) , awkward title aside is pretty much the perfect pop punk song.

Sad news for punk rock. But seriously, if you or a loved one are addicted to orgasms, there is help available.

I liked it from the first time I saw it. It helped being a tremendous fan of Chris Elliott’s comic sensibilities, and I appreciated the weird pseudo-Tim Burton fantasy vibe. I didn’t *love* it, and I still don’t, but you can definitely say there’s nothing else like it. It’s one of those movies that are just decent e

How could CK have not possibly anticipated this exact heckle at some point and have a comeback prepared?

lol, his apology where he didn’t apologize was a sincere one.

lol. the guy in a bad place who is in that bad place because he sexually harassed women and lied is now being bullied.

lol. he did lie about it like every other scumbag for years until there was a story that came out about it.


Irrespective (and independent) of the veracity of these claims, I predict that in 1 years time, AvClub will be 100% public shaming and links to Amazon deals.

“All I said was that I wanted to explore Uranus.”

Its Metacritic score for critics was at 75. The average rating on Rotten Tomatoes was 7.67/10. That’s pretty middling.

So what exactly should he do? He goes on tour and he covers it, he’s ‘profiting off victims’. He goes on tour and doesn’t mention it, and then it’s even worse, he’s ‘pretending it never happened’. This is the man’s job, and he has a right to do it. We have the right to not consume his product if we want, but none of

The word you’re looking for is “fraud”. That said, as Adam said, it’s a scammy business.

Guy Posting On Wrong Thread, International Edition


“ of his longest roles, a casino operator in the first season of HBO’s Deadwood.”

Hey look, I was right!