
Prose before hoes.

How dare Bill Maher not give Jack Kirby co-credit for destroying society.

Look, there is no need to explain the mysteries to the Alien franchise and there never was. We were content for decades not knowing what the Space Jockey was or where the Xenomorphs came from. The idea that they were created by giant albinos and a crazy robot just seems kind of underwhelming.

I will not see any movie starring Mark Wahlberg.

Did he really extricate himself from the music industry if he’s just writing songs for top 40 artists now?

That’s nothing! I’ve got twelve albums that I will never release! Your move, The New Radicals!

Das busenmodel ist auch ein kinocritikmodel!

The Playboy Interview was good. And bad. And ugly.

You reach a certain age and you simply don’t give a fuck any more.

But the zombies you’re fine with, right?

Sure, buddy. If something that’s smart and thoughtful appears as boring to you but is widely recognized as classics around the world... You know it’s you, right? You know you are the one who is dumb, right?

You seem pretty boring as it happens. 

They look so... old... How did they age since I know, for a fact, I certainly haven’t aged!

I honestly don’t think he wonders that.


What did he say that was so egregious? Did he defend Louis CK or Roseanne? No. Is saying that as society still haven’t found our equilibrium when it comes to the power of social media a horrible or offensive statement? No.

Why will anyone pay for 6-7 different streaming services. It’s madeening. The course correction from the entertainment industry has been appalling in its thought that suckers will continue to pay up in a digital marketplace. The center will not hold. 

I just watched the trailer and the voiceover is annoying, plus you can’t help but think “The movie they were trying to make probably wouldn’t have been any good.”

Lots of people tried to do what they did AND finished their films and got it out to a few festivals and it sucked.


Concern trolling is telling parents that every 8th grader in the world is suddenly vaping constantly.