
Here’s the thing: there is almost never a magic bullet in politics. They get mythologized by the media (like the Howard Dean Scream, or the “Have you no decency?” moment with McCarthy), but they are rare.

What I can say about him is that he’s a war criminal and a coward. But, I can’t deny that he turned a largely ceremonial position into the power behind the throne. It’s not every politician who can craft the role of Vice President into that of a Sith Lord. The joke is that you’re supposed to pick an older running mate

I mean, yeah, the VP should be more involved, but it would have been nice if that fucking ghoul had stayed on the sidelines. 

“President Of The United States is a two-man job that we expect 1 person to do”

He looks like Chevy Chase. Wrong asshole!

That guy. Is a judge. Who is under the impression that “Have you?” is an appropriate response to being asked if he did a thing in a questioning.

Is anyone else bothered by CC’s accent? It might sound like a nitpick, but it’s bad enough that it’s distracting.  I like so much of the rest of this show, but everytime he talks, I feel like I’m suddenly going from top tier drama to soap opera acting.

this is pushing the limits of my “i’ll see John C. Reilly in anything” rule...

Telling a respected professor and PhD to open a’s like he’s just too lazy to tailor his misogyny to the target. At least show some pride in your shitty craft, dude!

This dude (arguably) came within a whisker of becoming the Canadian Trump. He put on a well-financed (duh) run for leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada (kind-of sort-of our Republican party) on a “look at me, I’m a rich businessman who isn’t afraid to talk like an asshole and by the way you might remember me

It’s so, so much worse than this article suggests. For instance, 1) the custody battle is with his mistress. 2) Trump has chosen him for Communications Director, which is technically superior to Press Secretary. 3) He was replaced by Sean Spicer after his mistress revealed their love child.

We don’t care how much you know about guns!

Shouldn’t it have a cowl?

They’re risking their lives and freedom to oppose Putin, and in doing so, they help demonstrate how monstrous Putin’s regime is in a high profile way, for the world to see. They don’t have to be genius strategists, or muckraking journalists, or political philosophers to make a difference. They are taking very, very

Friendly reminder that the AV Club comments section is now a dumpster fire.

How can this actually be someone’s take on the victims in this case? He is using his celebrity/infamy to try to highlight the corruption and profoundly evil nature of his country’s government, directly relating to his and his friends’ safety. To think that they are running on the World Cup pitch to simply commit a

They have about the same number of meaningful insights as any other punk band/art collective/sentient Twitter bot. What they say or do is not the problem. That they were likely poisoned by their own government for what they say and do is the issue. That, IGAF about.

I listened to Marc Maron interview Sean Penn - nothing more than a guy with a lot of money, and a lot of time on his hands, and no one around to tell him he is of below average intelligence and talent.

Literally just some words that he remembered from his SAT prep and stuck together as if he was putting together a barbecue skewer from the only remaining pieces on the tray.