
There is nothing inherently wrong with being a conservative, or having right leaning politics, but after the last 30+ years, there is no good excuse for being a Republican.   

90%+ of Republicans support their God Emperor and are hard at work purging the other 10%. Any rats remaining on the sinking ship at this point are just as complicit.

1) Nothing says ‘anarchist’ like betraying your friends to the cops and then building a career on bland family sitcoms.

I’m a woman, you fucking moron.

Sorry about the 9/11 thing. I forgot to never forget because I have alzheimer’s like a friggin’ retard.”

Could be wrong, but I don’t think Simon cares if you take him seriously.

Sorry about that period joke. I guess I was just too tired from celebrating the 9/11 victory anniversary with ISIS.

Then take ME seriously:

Tomorrow: Sorry about those Down Syndrome comments, folks. I must have been on my period.

He didn’t say the exact right thing!

Dang. To each their own, but dang. Tim Blake Nelson is great.

Clearly directors you love disagree with you.

You don’t know why Norm would get a spot on a late night talk show? He’s possibly the best talk show guest ever. Go look at his countless spots with Letterman and Conan. They have millions of hits on YouTube. Plus, he’s promoting his Netflix show.

He has a talk show starting on Netflix on Friday, so he’s doing interviews and making appearances to promote it.

i’ve loved norm forever and i will definitely continue to support him, but you can support someone and still be critical of them being dumbasses.

What a sackless show. The right thing to do here is to take Norm to task for the shitty things he said. But Fallon is incapable of an interview that involves something other playing air guitar, tousling hair and giggling.

You know who’s responsible for Norm McDonald getting bumped, don’t you?

Smarmy? How does that apply?

Bernie Sanders’ decision to pout for a while when he lost instead of trying harder to convince his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton

Very keen to see Lord of Light make it to the screen (it’s one of my favourite books).