Nigger lottery!
Nigger lottery!
Also, just to let you know and after reading your blog posts that you think are probably hard hitting journalistic pieces, I’d like to remind you that black people can also be racist against white people. I know that’s hard for your little nigger brain to comprehend, but it’s true
That’s probably just the fried chicken you smell you worthless nigger. And also when you reply to me this time, try to actually reply to me and not to yourself. I know niggers are under educated because they don’t value an education, but with you not working (can’t collect welfare if you work too much!) You should…
Teaching Muslim refugees thst un like in their home countries, a woman is allowed to tell them no, and that if she says no and he goes ahead and gropes her, that it’s illegal
Well they are spending millions to educate the refugees and even putting them in classes, but when one cones from a culture in which males don’t respond well to females telling them “no”...well. bad things happen
Clover, don’t bury the lede. These young girls, like the girls in Germany, were all sexually assaulted by Muslim refugees. Why else is Sweden spending millions creating educational programs to teach refugees (whom are in their 20s and I’m school with girls as young as 12) what appropriate boundaries are? These…
“It’s about time - she’s a woman, elect her or you’re sexist!” such a feminist argument for HRC to be president! Doesn’t really have any other qualifications I guess so we can go with that
And the quotas begin. How about she fill half of it with people actually fucking qualified? Are women really so weak and pathetic that a fucking president has to give them their own preferential seat in her cabinet? Do they need quotas just to compete? Because if so that completely undermines your whole “feminist”…
No, I’m sorry but there’s just no correlation. All the experts across multiple news sources and even on Gawker have said that ISIL has been waiting for attacks like this for years. And we’ve only been helping them get there, by providing fuel for extremists to use. What you have said is a false narrative that brought…
No. That’s a false narrative that brought you a “this attack was cause by a video” and a “terrorism is on its heels” before a reelection in 2012. And suddemly, later the following year, ISIS exploded. I’m sorry but when all of the consultants and sources say, across all media, that ISIS is able to do this because…
Oh yes they did - the most ardent ones have narratives to push and attacking Clinton’s 08 Co chair is apparently part of this narrative
Of commenters, yes. I used to get between 20-30 responses every time I called out Debbie. Now that most liberals have come to the conclusion that she’s worthless and maybe shouldn’t have been DNC chair, I get less
I’ll call you after I finish my Ed.S and Ed.D (those are doctorates). My best wishes for your continued advancement at Petsmart
What a desparate pathetic attempt to make yourself feel smart. Your original post to me was so bad, I had to reread it 4 or 5 times. And you can Google; so what? You and I both know you don’t have a JD and you and I both know you’re wrong. Goodbye