What type of psychologist does that?! Holy shit.
What type of psychologist does that?! Holy shit.
That was incredible and yes I have that song in my head now.
God, I need to go watch this movie again RIGHT NOW.
I’m not exactly believing of this but now I can only hear Charlie Daniels in my head.
Of course he’s a Labrador. Of course.
Holy shit! I didn’t even notice that bolded, italicized, mostly-all-caps editor’s note! Silly me!
I have always really liked SJP, and that story makes me like her even more. She has always seemed like she is naturally thin (kind of scary thin in the SATC days, but just her body type) but to know that even she gets shit about her body is kind of awesome. It is also a little awesome (and sad) to know she did what…
I saw this on Prudie the other day and couldn’t believe the comments that thought it was totally ok and not creepy. If I was this guy’s wife and he told me the real story behind our initial meeting I would reevaluate our entire relationship through that lens, wondering what other weird stuff had gone on unbeknownst to…
I like to point out the recent massacres of Muslims committed by Buddhists in Burma as a way to blow “lol religion of peace” morons’ minds.
Yeah, but a LOT of people think of Buddhism as an enlightened exception. This is a reminder that it really isn’t.
That poor fucking kid. He must’ve been so proud of what he made and to have his efforts met with such racist suspicion is heartbreaking. He sounds like a great student and every teacher involved in this mess should be thoroughly ashamed.
I remember seeing this when it came out with a friend and we were both at that age where the movie was supposed to “speak” to us. I remember thinking after the movie it was the most pretentious crap film I had ever seen.
We all loved Garden State for exactly one year.
I was thinking the same thing. he’s a real keeper.
He wouldn’t ask a man the same question. That’s the problem.
Bridget Jones 3, though?
Part of my brain is horribly depressed by the judges and the other part is just fucking ecstatic that there are young girls out there thinking this way. Rock on, girls! In all the ways.
Holy shit. That response was spot on, professional, strong. Those girls kick ass.
She did not consent to having sex with this woman. She consented to having sex with a totally different person (who turned out not to be real). This flies in the face of every aspect of knowing and enthusiastic consent.