Just in case you wanted the honest answer to the question...
Just in case you wanted the honest answer to the question...
I am more out of touch than I realized. That outfit on the bicycle is so hideous, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Hi-five for the Father Ted reference!
Remember - Nun are people too!
OMG these are all so good. The Bavarian one I found very relatable as I live in Austria (which is right next to Bavaria, and we also speak German here). If it helps at all, that sentence sounded perfect to me. In Austria, “voll” is exactly the word we use for full, as in: “I’ve had enough food.”
The one in the car totally looks photoshopped.
Happy birthday!
Yes, but dammit, we COOK with it. Let’s see you make all your lovely baked goods, sauces, and mac n cheese dishes without it!
That is absolutely just fucking gross.
I like Noel, but his interactions with contestants can sometimes skirt the line between “cheeky fun” and “intrusive asshole.” There was one point with Steph during the technical where has dipping his finger into her batter and trying to recreate a “70s food commercial” and I was practically shouting “get the the fuck o…
He is the swamp.
This is the one thing I really miss about being a regular smoker, and the thing I haven't been able to replicate. Just five minutes, a few times a day, when you stop what you're doing and concentrate on your breathing. I've tried meditation but I can't take it seriously. Smoking made me do it without even trying.…
Why are those kids dressed like my dad in 1993?
I actually don't know if the UK could handle the Queen dying right now, it's barely holding its shit together as it is.
Please stay away from all dogs and other animals.
That video is disgusting and is absolutely abusive. I can’t believe I’m agreeing with a Paul but her shift into angry, abuse mode and the look on her face is really chilling. She is so violent and spiteful to that poor dog who confused, just responds with love and playfulness, it’s heartbreaking. It’s the kind of…
At the risk of outing myself as having terrible taste in film, does anyone else find most of his work unwatchable? I’ve just never understood the appeal of such a high violence to plot ratio and it’s really off-putting to me.
Yes, sending unsolicited diet products is shitty, but please stop with the low-carb bashing. It is not automatically unhealthy to eat less carbs. I am diabetic and my doctor has specifically told me to limit carbs. My blood sugar, blood pressure, AND cholesterol have all improved since I stopped eating carbohydrates…
Can someone please explain to me how and why Beyonce went from being a talented and popular entertainer to being nauseatingly fawned over like a god?