
What a shock: Nick Young taking some unnecessary shots.

I'm pretty sure we going to run into each other soon

I think he just ethered the English language

Did he just threaten a guy who reads jokes off a telepromter?

Hey if somebody called her a Caucasian shepherd for having a strong opinion nobody would mind, but a vicious terrier that is not cool.

Why is it a problem? Ethnicity and culture are only tangentially related, not linked at the hip.

Other cultures have plenty to offer us, if we choose to take the stance that drawing on another culture is somehow wrong we leave a lot of potential on the table.

I don't think I understand the outrage. The post here makes mention about dying as a civilian in a resource war but that would reference more closely to the Iraq war and subsequent bombing of Baghdad, not the Gulf War, which is what B.O.B. is actually in reference to. And is a war that was sparked off by an invasion

armpit-to-armpit hostility

I'm confused as to what the University's and Team's ideal move would have been here. If there were no official reports filed, how could they take action?

2015 Gawker: ISIS skit on SNL tries to be a "funny" "death to America" parody, gets criticized on Twitter... "LOOK AT ALL THOSE DUMB PEOPLE NOT GETTING HUMOR!" Dustin Penner makes an ill advised rape joke... "He's a monster and rape is never funny, and I hope he gets fired from his job!" Oh, Gawker Echo Chamber,

People who do nothing with their lives. Except get outraged on Twitter. Seriously.

this is nothing. Seriously. Who cares?

All companies everywhere should just pre-fire everyone, you know, in case they articulate an offensive thought at some point in the future.

Twitter SJW's!!! Oh no, wait, I thought Jez commenters loved the "let's get offended by everything" culture?

There are plenty of women up top who seem to disagree

Maybe they were just trying to make him slip

The problem is some group will always complain. Lets say COD makes 50% of the female enemies and 50% of you companions female, and gave you 2 choices of people to play as, a male main character or a female main character. Well trans groups would complain that there is no trans main characters an alienates them.

She's missing one important thing, a step that comes before her other eight. That important thing is to find someone else to spearhead this campaign. She's too toxic of an individual to be the one to be the focus of this, there are times I don't even think she understands her own argument or video games at all.

The Social Justice Whiners can go just make their own games and see if anyone buys them. Until then, they can just STFU and leave everyone else alone.

You can be right and still be an asshole. Right Ronda?