
Kinda sucks that our system is set up to always have a Republican or Democrat in office. It would be cool if we had an Independent one time.

"He grabbed my butt"

Stop grouping all "white boys" together. It is also racist by your standards


doesn't mean he "hates" gays. doesn't mean he's "homophobic". he just doesn't agree with what they do. who cares

I do not know one guy on earth who would complain that this creates impossible "beauty standards" for men. Just saying, maybe some people are just wayyy too insecure about themselves to even look at a female model. Why does this point always get overlooked?

It's not funny imo. It's basically a social issues talk show.

People can develop their products however they want. If I want to make a game featuring mostly guys so guys can relate more, I will do that because they are the majority of the market. If more women played video games than men, you would see the opposite happen.

I believe boys are more interested in computers/video games that girls by a long shot.

I'm white, I eat bananas every single day. Love 'em. I'm more monkey than any black person out there.

AP to the Jets. He can be our QB

Wow you are the biggest hater I have ever seen. Get a life

Still very weird to me, but thanks for the answer!

Quick question because I may or may not be an idiot: How come these magazines aren't sued constantly for defamation? Are there any repercussions for blatantly lying to sell more copies?

I've seen a lot of young boys & girls on their free time, boys spend more time on the computer by far, no contest.

Everyone needs to read this comment

Computer nerd is not a "maculine" job. More men are interested in technology than women, is that a bad thing? No.

"I've never been the girlfriend."

I didn't know people cared so much about these pointless award ceremonies

You can't replace Jon.............