
He's soooooooo boring compared to Colbert. I watched 4 or 5 episodes and I regret wasting my time.

least blogworthy blog i've seen in a while

Base on the stars on your comment, no one's on your side. Just wanted to remind you

Just because mostly white men are winning doesn't mean that they are only voted for because they are white men. What's next, affirmative action for pointless award ceremonies?

Don't hate, it was a great movie

He takes what he wants like a boss. Love MJ stories

Newsflash: men and women are different.

This has been known for quite some time.

Complete overreaction based on a couple sentences. Labeled "racist" because a white man can't criticize our black president in today's society, causing him to try to defend himself from being racist. This is so ridiculous that you're trying to tarnish Giuliani's name.

"an animated eyeball, gross, i'm gonna complain about it online" pussy


stop being such a pussy

Interesting to see how Jez twists their stories. Thanks for the truth

It's not what is getting taught, it's how.

A Reddit user name oscarchap1 claims to have been on-hand for the encounter, and tells a much different tale. The user claims that the woman had been annoyed with other groups of people petting her dog and that Williams and Russell were the collective "straw that broke the camel's back." Here's the entire post – take

This is how I picture Mark

One more year at my first salaried job then I'm getting the fuck out!

What was it, Egyptian pharaoh day?

poor people are the worst. i'm not going to feel bad because my grandparents made something out of their lives (after growing up in poverty) while yours did nothing. lazy torn apart families do not have my sympathy. get your acts together, poor people. work had at something, and no, protesting is not "working", it's

who cares