
holy shit. what the fuck bill!

It's okay, I'll still buy them.

pretty big typo, though

i love her more...

He sucks. I wish I could see the ratings for his show compared to the other shows on ESPN, can't be that great.

Every religion has their nutjobs

Didn't say only, said on average.

I couldn't care less

What's up with the different color noses?

Good point. Hollywood execs are typically older jewish men, not too surprising that they stick with white men.

It's all about who/what the people want to watch. If more people want to watch a white male lead more often than not, they will get that the majority of the time. Just supply and demand people.

I'm a man and I'm proud I can eat fast. No clue what you're talking about

Yea that's why men have better scores in math and lead in math related industries?

speak for yourself

I was watching the game when this was going on. It was pretty ridiculous, she seemed like she was in over her head.

read what your wrote again and tell me you're not insane

Least manly thing I've ever heard of in my life.

Realistically, what do you want them to do? Create a superhero to detect a domestic dispute, fly over and stop it?

only woman. seems fair
