
That 15% (the consumer car/truck industry) is the low-hanging fruit. Yes, all of it needs to come down, but electrification isn’t as ready or as close to meeting needs in the other transportation sectors. A few Tesla semis good for hauling superlight bags of mostly air and fried potatoes is not in danger of replacing

What the actual fuck? Where have you been in the last 10 years, under a rock? Were you aware at all of the hundreds of thousands of posts on Black Twitter and countless articles written about the Kartrashians (being the most visible example) darkening their skin, putting cornrows in their hair, getting big booty

name / post synergy is :chef’s kiss:

No Smashing Pumpkins “Landslide”? No Muppets “Dancing in the Moonlight”?  ....ok that last one was good.

We will endlessly find excuses to avoid change right up until the last possible second has passed and consequences have arrived, and then throw a shitty temper tantrum on who is to blame followed by desperate whining for someone to fix it after the fact so we can get back to sportsball and rating hotties.

LOL Uvalde, Texas says Hi!

It all comes down to demographics.

Thrawn is the Sherlock Holmes of Imperial admirals. He’s excellent at reading his opponents and deducing from their history, culture, hobbies and major events what they’ll be likely to do and crush it before they even act. Sun Tzu’s most famous rules about warfare were Know Yourself and Know Your Enemy, and Thrawn is

I own a 2003 Honda Element with 205,000 miles on it. Drives a little rough, but with a little maintenance, will run forever with basically all the utility of a lockable 2000s Ford Ranger.

It’s because the point of it all isn’t to blow shit up just for funsies. That’s the side benefit for the ten year-old inside of Elon. The point is to siphon off tens of billions of dollars in US government contracts.  And you can’t do that from Bum Fuck Equator island.

That’s the beauty of Stand Your Ground. As long as there are no witnesses, and you’re the one left standing, you have every possible hope of skipping conviction based on a story you make up about what happened.

Probably due to the limits of having a kid actor.  Full prosthetics isn’t likely something that he could work with.

It’s almost like you could win a war against an all-powerful British Empire and still get stuck with a bunch of squabbling idiots afterwards with some Articles of Confederation.

*laughs maniacally about Khan-teleporting-from-Earth-to-Q’onoS-instantaneously*

Which is super stupid and lazy for the recent inconsistency - Star Wars ( A New Hope) establishes timeframes and relative speeds of hyperspace travel almost right away. It takes 2 days (give or take) for a ship with one of the fastest ever hyperdrives to continuously travel from the Outer Rim of the galaxy (Tatooine)

Only if the USA was a normal country, and not a kleptocracy where the rules are skewed to concentrate wealth at the very top.

The conventional wisdom is that “the Force is in and around all living things” so everything is at least a little bit Force-sensitive. But Force-insensitives (the majority) are people whose ability to interact with the Force is so microscopically small that there might as well not be a Force to them. Huyang has been

There’s a third side to this debate that’s missing: Bieber was Pete Davidson before Pete Davidson. He’s going to be Justin Bieber, no matter the situation he finds himself in, and no matter what company he happens to be with.