
Immediate thoughts:

I feel like the only way to explain it is Ahsoka’s craft is heavily and well-shielded for its size - a la Mon Calamari Star Cruisers that had superior shields and shield regeneration compared to larger Star Destroyers. It’s not entirely without precedent - playing the X-Wing and TIE Fighter games, there’s an Assault

I mean, Zahn does love his characters, but I think the EU retcon was more pragmatic and sales driven more than anything else. Thrawn was a wildly popular character in the EU, and Lucasfilms realized that it probably killed Thrawn off too early in his third book.

I think the big twist reveal is going to be Thrawn isn’t going to be the Big Enemy after all. This wouldn’t be a total surprise to those that have read Thrawn’s backstory in Timothy Zahn’s books; he’s a strategic genius who is only siding with the Empire out of the best interests for his own people and government, the

Krysten Sinema, Florida Edition

I think you can handwave that away as the middle of nowhere planet that Morgan was currently searching for the pathway to the other galaxy in.  She was probably using it as a local base while her minions did all the searching. 

“I guarantee you we’ll get force ghost Luke, and I’d put even money on that we’ll somehow get “There ... is ... another ... Sky ... walk ... er” And as to other content, Han Solo’s too damn lucrative a character for them to walk away from entirely. I’m sure Chewie, R2 and 3PO will be beeboping around the galaxy with

Yeah, I realize Rey (right now, remember Rogue Squadron similarly was getting a movie, too) is getting a 4th film. Is it going to extensively reference Snoke, Ben Solo, Starkiller Base, her granddad coming back from the dead to try to murder her, Exegol and the thousand Star Destroyers with Death Star cannons, the road

Is this just a review of Episode 1 or both Episode 1/2? Episode 2 solves a lot of the pacing problems of Episode 1, as there’s less standing around and talking about things and other people and more doing.  

“The fact that she’s absent from the sequel trilogy, when you know the galaxy has once again fallen under the sway of terrible oppressors with overpowering weapons but there’s this person who’s demonstrated competence rivals or exceeds that of Luke Skywalker, makes it weird to watch content set in the interstitial

It’s crazy when you consider that what he said isn’t even contradictory to right wing philosophy - it’s just that he said the dreaded “D” word - “diversity”, and didn’t even bother to listen to the rest of what he said.

Morgan Elsbeth turning out to be a **MILD SPOILER** makes sense, though. It was awfully weird in Mandalorian that this normal older human could keep pace with Ahsoka in a melee fight. Turns out, she’s not so normal!  Just like the Jedi weren’t as completely wiped out as we thought after Order 66, the **MILD SPOILER**

Haha everyone is aiming way too high comparing this to Star Wars.

“The Map” might as well be Disney and Filoni taking a copy of the Sequel Trilogy and burning it on TV. They’re redoing the Future of Star Wars and starting off by replacing the Search for Luke with the Search for Ezra.

Some clarifications:

Yes, I, too like watching Batman’s mom and pops die in an alleyway and pearls bounce on concrete every goddamn time we have a Batman film. Just so anyone who can’t be bothered to look up a Batman explainer for 30 seconds can be caught up to the rest of us.

It’s a Biblical reference. There’s multiple verses in the Bible that refer to people as “vessels” or containers. Vessels for the Holy Spirit, vessels as an analogy for containing good or bad morals and behavior in your life, vessels for God to store his blessings in, etc.

It’s too bad the group called “Republicans” are such a broad and shitty group.

Mississippi exists to make Arkansas feel better about itself.

Disney just does whatever makes it money.