InvadingDuck | Zachary D Long

Haha cool. No way this could backfire if the real life person pulls some heinous stuff. We've never ever had that happen before.

Since there isn’t a block button I’m not too broken up about there not being a grab. Although dodging is worthless as an actual dodge imo (way too precise even at full charge) so I would like more defensive options outside of super armor.

Im enjoying the game and think it's a fairly competent Smash-like, but boy do I wish they had more attack buttons? Like separate light and heavy attacks, because having just 4 options in any situation feels very limiting. Especially with cooldowns and ESPECIALLY especially with move decay.

I mean, initiating a fight and then calling the cops is certainly some Karen-type shit.”

Or just go the Arceus route and make it so that levels don’t matter too much when you battle. I swear, in that game it felt like it was very hard to brute-force battles in that game even if you had a sizable level lead.

Coincidentally, I just got to this part in Jujutsu Kaisen.


I’ll probably grab this game anyways because I’m a sucker for Bathesda-style open worlds but... the preview kind of turned me off to Starfield. It just kind of looked drab and the “you see that pixel on a planet? You can go there” of it all just tells me most of the game is gonna be bland open space. Part of the fun

Imagine having the cajones to announce that your game is going into early access and then releasing 1/5th of an animated short right after that.

The other day I described One Piece’s story as “characters constantly natural 1s and 20s.” Besides the crazy scale the fights, that’s an aspect I don’t think any of the games have been able to capture. Here’s hoping those dramatic event things can help capture that feeling of completely dominating in a fight one

*sigh* just let Respawn be independent, please? I love Apex (and Titanfall to a lesser degree) and I feel like the one downside to the game is that Respawn seem pressured to put more resources towards money-making schemes (pushing out tons of expensive cosmetic events) than season changes, LTMs, or polishing the game.

That’s because BL2 had one accuracy stat and BL3 has accuracy and gun handling. Gun handling in BL3 measures stuff like weapon sway and recoil where accuracy is mostly bullet spread. In BL2 those were both the same stat, which is why you got wobbly guns that also couldn’t shoot straight for a damn and then just got

Borderlands 2...I get why it’s at the top of the list because it had the best story and it had the most Content™, but I think the actual gameplay and mechanics in later games are better. Heck, I might even rank Pre-Sequel above it because the class trees (and the ablility to cancel your action skill) were waaaaay more

Just be careful of used graphics cards in the near future. A bunch of those crypto miners are gonna be looking to sell off their supply and you probably don’t want a card that’s been put through all that abuse.

I was able to play a few PC/PS5 sessions without any connection issues. It did take a ton of effort just to get it set up (Shift’s social tab is really terrible at finding people cross-platform) but once we got add to each other’s friend list it was pretty smooth sailing.

Oh no you’re not alone on BL3. I think pretty much everybody thought the writing and humor was bad in the base campaign.

I think the rating works because it’s just a weird magical land dreamed up by a “teenager.” It's rated T for Tina! I didn’t really think the game was missing anything by not having swears and blood.

Sounds kinda like they’re adding a new sidequest area, which is fine by me. I actually liked how they handled the big sidequest in this game so that there were their own area with their own story not really affiliated with the main campaign. It means you got fun maps with their own bosses, but it kept the main

Borderlands 3 got an Ultimate edition with all the big DLC packs included, so I expect Wonderlands will get something like that too. Eventually.

I just got to the end game and messed around a bit, but I really wish the game would let you 100% respec your character. You can change your second class, but not your first, which is really weird given how interchangeable pretty much every other aspect of your character is. It’s kind of putting me off a second (and