InvadingDuck | Zachary D Long

It’s probably a mix of being new to the game and Apex’s skill-based matchmaking (or lack of it sometimes). There’s a huge skill floor/ceiling in this game. It’s a *really* tough game to get into even for a BR game. So it’s very easy to get stomped, especially if you’re new or run into stacked squads of experienced

Revenant was never really “scary” when he first came out. It wasn’t until the buff to his Death Totam ultimate and the “Retain” meta that he became scary, but that was mostly because of a lack of sound queues before you got jumped (literally) by a team of shadow dudes.

As someone who loved D3 and is having a really rough time with D4, it was super cool to find out that an extra hard boss can just spawn in any dungeon at any time. Super cool and super fun.

No not the miniboss guy, the demon-summoning lady. Phase 3 is killer.

Buddy, if I knew how I wouldn’t be stuck.

That’s cool, but I kinda dropped off this game HARD when my druid died 3 times to the first boss. Will probably give it another go after I’m through FF16.

And **MILD SPOILERS** the Ganondorf fight is one of the scariest in the series. Not only is getting to him tough (and with escalating creepy music) but the boss fight just turns a bunch of the rules against you. He can break your hearts. He can flurry-rush YOU. And his life bar in phase 2 really sells that “oh shit”

I was talking the other day about how dark the game was from the outset and how funny it is that you can act like a total goblin during it. “You’ve been cursed by an evil power far beyond your means. We had to remove your arm and replace it with a dead man’s to keep you alive. You now have the ability to glue an apple

Getting real Video Games: The Video Game vibes from this one.

Green did do an eventual follow-up comic which should kind of clear up the meaning of the original.

Another good tip is to save a Lynel bow (or any similar multi-arrow bow) for this fight. You can fuse one Fire Keese eye and get THREE homing fire arrows, which is really good bang for your buck! It's also hand to keep one around for any boss fight or if you get fed up and want to blanket a pack of enemies with bomb

There’s definitely a subset of people like that in the game, but I think most people play as the Lalafells because it’s fun to be Just A Little Guy™. They’re affectionately called “potatoes” by most players. Heck, I gave my Lala character white hair, gruff eyebrows, and a mustache and mained the tank jobs because I

A long time ago I got a temp job working at a company. The new hotshot CEO was spending millions trying to turn this company into some huge tech company. I had to sit through one of his speeches when he visited his office and I remember him saying that our company would be, and I quote, “the next Facebook... AND

Yeah it’ll be great to have more casual modes for the people who just want to shoot things in peace. I’m also hoping this will cut down on the ridiculous number of hot-drops in the BR mode. I like action, but I hate having to load into 5 different games in 5 minutes because everyone wants to fight and die in Fragment.

One more bit of musical trivia for Emperor’s New Groove. The one musical number in the movie is “Perfect World” and it’s sung by Tom frikin’ Jones.

Disney didn’t want a musical either, which is part of the reason why the entire movie had to be scrapped and remade almost from scratch. Sting was apparently very unhappy about the decision (because this was going to be his Lion King or whatever).

Now playing

The Emperor’s New Groove was originally going to be a musical called Kingdon of the Sun (with songs by Sting). This whole concept got thrown out about halfway through production and they basically restarted the movie from scratch. But some of the unused songs from the original plot still exist and there is a KILLER

Overwatch’s is particularly bad because the “Challenges” system they have in place is mostly just about winning games. That gets really frustrating when you’re on a losing streak or feel like you have to sweat it out in more casual modes.

I mean, Martinet is a professional voice actor. He’s shown he has more range than the full-bore Mario voices. Just listen to him give a panel or something. His regular speaking voice sounds more “Mario” to me than whatever Pratt is doing. I would have loved to see him do something since he clearly loves and respects

Coincidentally, I just ran across this tweet comparing the fan-acted scenes to the normal silent scenes and I gotta agree.