Beatmania IIDX INFINITAS just released for PC. If you care for rhythm games check it out. If it gets a lot of support then we might see more interest in an international release. It’s a tough game but it’s worth putting time into.
Beatmania IIDX INFINITAS just released for PC. If you care for rhythm games check it out. If it gets a lot of support then we might see more interest in an international release. It’s a tough game but it’s worth putting time into.
The fight with Beerus is better than the movie imo although it’s drawn out in classic dragonball fashion. They are quickly moving into the plot of the second movie. The animation seems to have gotten better and I’m expecting the show to actually get better after the Golden Frezia story is done. They are totally…
Classic social engineering. Most companies try to teach employees to watch for this. It’s still kind of funny he pulled it off even if he was breaking the law.
Have you even watched the video for this game? As far as a mobile game go this is probably in the top 10 all time mobile games.
Depending on your internet speed you might get a faster “Download Speed” by driving to the store, buying the game, and driving home. If it takes you 30 minutes that’s 30 mb/s download speed if my math is right. That’s faster than my download speeds.
I was really considering buying an xbone for this. Glad I did not but sad Sunset Overdrive isn’t as good as it looks.
The reason they sometimes have weird names in Naruto (food, objects, and such) is because Masashi Kishimoto used to watch/read Dragon Ball and was inspired to create his own manga at a young age. In Dragon Ball and later DBZ a lot characters are named after food or items, for example Goku is rice ( it happens to sound…
The recent super Mario world glitch run for example took enormous skill. I would never attempt that 182 times.
Shadowrun is really good. Not sure if it would replace any of these but it's definitely a unique game for an android game.
It's not so much that you are killing random people but the effort they have put into making this extremely graphic. Postal 2 was pretty graphic but right off the bat it was cracking jokes and being light hearted. Hatred does look well made and they can make whatever game they want and if people buy it that's their…
Win rate is not a good judge of balance. He is a difficult character to play so most people lose with him but the really good smash players who have mastered him are a little too strong and this is why balancing becomes a nightmare in some games, high level balance vs low level balance. I trust in Sakurai's decision…
I've tried really hard to hate this game but you've made it sound really fun and I must admit I'm also a sucker for colorful translucent plastic. Maybe if I come across this cheap on Craigslist or at a lard sale I'll grab it but $100 for a game designed for children is just to much for me.
I bought a Vita at launch with high hopes. It must have sat there for a year without getting played but now I'm quite satisfied with the library of games.
Reminds me of batman beyond. I think this is pretty awesome.
Murder bridge is my favorite. I hardly play summoners rift when I play these days.
I was more fond of the 1st/2nd JoJo's end theme.
That's a nice opinion you have there. Sorry you have only known horrible cat people. You must be James Bond or something.
Creators of titan fall were actually a little upset when EA said they would be XBOne exclusive. They plan to make another Titan fall that would be on PS4 as well. Granted I read this a few months ago and things could have changed drastically since then.