22 minutes after this was posted I read it as they announce the winner of an award. It was... THE LAST OF US.
*sporting goods
I love Dicks.
This is just a bunch of douches trash talking gamers. Eff their opinion. Although I do agree that in 6 years there will be technology that blows this out of the water.
I know what you mean. No Man's Sky shows a good view on what you would be doing in the game. Star Citizen was kind of like "Hey look at how pretty this is! Do missions in space and have eye orgasms!" I like the idea of exploring procedurally generated worlds and solar systems! That just sounds bad ass to me.
Am I the only person who thought this game was Assassin's Creed: Batman? Which isn't a bad thing! I actually liked it more than AC most of the time.
Am I the only person who thought this game was Assassin's Creed: Batman? Which isn't a bad thing! I actually liked it more that AC most of the time.
Just bought one of these (G510S) two weeks ago. I'm loving it. The scroll bar for volume is extremely useful.
I would agree only because I don't see a PS4 or XBone tag. Everyone is going to want games for their new console. FFXIV RRB is coming to PS4 though do maybe this will as well.
That, and, if nothing else, Pokémon designs are much better than Digimon designs. Get it together, people.
Who said it had to be high end? Granted you won't get console like graphics for less than the console prices for some time but most games on steam aren't built for those kind of graphics. Not to mention they designed SteamOS with gaming in mind. On a Windows PC you have all kinds of crap running that you don't need to…
I think the reason for not choosing a single system for the SteamBox is that you can choose from different machines with different specs and prices. Anybody can make a machine that runs SteamOS so any company or even you could make one as long as it meets the baseline hardware requirements. I'm sure there will be…
I can barely draw one style... Looks like the depth of the puncture is important to. The deeper it is the darker the dot becomes.
I miss screen savers T.T
I got so bored of climbing buildings in the first one that I gave up halfway through. Could never bring myself to play another one even though I know there are probably more entertaining features in them.
Not gonna lie I'm a sucker for blind packs. Ever since I was little and begged my parents to buy me an endless supply of yu-gi-oh cards I've been hooked... You can always trade doubles with friends or people from the internet if you can find any who are trustworthy. If they weren't blind you would be paying at least…