So you had a Harem of your own with ridiculously good lookin girls?
So you had a Harem of your own with ridiculously good lookin girls?
I like the absolutism present in the use of “druggies” as an invective for those who choose to partake of controlled substances.
I don’t know about you, but I would download the shit out of a car.
Honestly it just depends on the genre you’re watching.
Creative talent is there and some gems get released on a yearly basis. It’s just there’s a higher percentage of trashy anime out there. You usually look to specific studios like Mad House for quality works anyway rather than just blindly hope good anime comes out…
Nope, he’s just being correct as hell.
Oh hey you’re the kid who tried to dismiss all speedrunners and kept insulting them because you’re outside of the community and believe you can dictate the rules by which they categorize their hobby.
That’s what a speed run is, though. Simply getting through the game as fast as possible through whatever means possible. It stands to reason that the fastest possible methods would be called pure “speed runs” while the ones that are artificially slowed down (by not using glitches or by dictating a certain percentage…
There are different categories of speedrun. Glitchless, Glitched, Tool Assisted, etc. It’s still a speed run.
Cue usual speedrunning comments about ruining a masterpiece of a game by not playing the best parts and having no skill cause they are cheating and whatnot.
The patty will come as a far as i know this kind of marketing has been done by gaming industry....good choice for them
Method: E-Cigarettes.
Name of method: Vaping/eCigs
Method: Vaping (e-cigs)
Name of Method: eCig