
Mad Max:Fury Turd

I’ve already read about this on Gizmodo, Kate. 

I refuse to believe it. Burt Reynolds cannot die. He just... drove away.

Except that Nixon, unlike Trump, had more than two functioning brain cells to rub together and had the sense to resign when it was obvious that the curtain was about to fall.

My personal favorite Trump quote on all this, from Newsweek:

Wouldn’t matter, aside from closing it entirely which would likely be a massive hassle.

We have a train bridge like this in my city. It is on a road that has 10 signs before you get on it that say “No Commercial Traffic” and “No Trucks” and “Low Bridge”. Once on the road, there are signs every few hundred feet warning

Unfortunately the mcflurry machine is broken.

This take is straight from the deep fryer hot. Goes good with an Oreo McFlurry.

Since their food only appears to be food, that’s all it should take. I agree completely...

You could also say that McDonalds had some guys design a nice ad for them for free. Usually you have to pay lots of money for that.

The vast majority of people who’re upset about this soda thing would probably perfectly happily dunk a chicken finger in ketchup - a wet, over-sweet, slightly tart substance.

Not the employees job to care what is hung on the walls, bet they would just get slapped down by management if they did comment too. Now the management on the other hand, it is their job to care.

Eh. Totally should have been Burger King fries semi-covered in his hand.

How is it a prank? It appears to be a valid advertisement for McDonalds

Strictly time-saving. People of course do make PB&J for kids all the time (if their school allows peanut butter). But Uncrustables are frozen and take about as much time out to thaw as it takes for kids to hit lunch hour. So for super busy parents or kids it’s just a fast way to get a protein hit. Also some kids are

I’m not down with the Uncrustables, but I am down with taking what little solace we have left in a cruel world. You enjoy those little pre-packaged sandwiches to your heart’s content. And feel free to eat my allotment as well, if that’s what you need to feel good.

Do you only shop at Whole Foods, Rebecca?

Counterpoint: Uncrustables are fine.

They do provide them and I totally applied for my local version of this. Hopefully I don’t end up in the less than 2 avocados per month group.