
Did anyone else’s “# of 90 degree days” between birth and today go down?

There’s a lot of Mr. Pinks in this crowd.

Aldi’s in Pittsburgh has (had?) them on sale for .59c this past week.

Those are great places to buy limes too. Ten for a dollar? Don’t mind if I do!

Counterpoint: The majority of Australian and New Zealander people are invasive species.

I WISH we had one nearby! The nearest mercado/carniceria for us, IN TEXAS, is 30 minutes. Disgraceful.

I’m guessing they would have to provide them, if only because leaving it up to the study participants could potentially skew/screw up the results (what if someone forgets to buy enough avocados or buys an avocado that’s not a Hass avocado).

OK, I get it. You think cats are cute. But do you know what else is cute? These guys. And there aren’t 600 million of them in the world.

If people could be trusted to leave their cats indoors this wouldn’t be a problem. But they see nothing wrong with introducing an invasive species into a new environment (new in ecological terms.) And everyone else is a jerk for wanting to keep other species alive and thriving.

I don’t think ringing “20-30 times” is not giving enough time to answer- rather people weren’t answering because it’s the middle of the night and that’s a scary/dangerous time to be opening up the door to strangers

“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”

The comments I’ve seen on here and reddit are astounding. The dude is a comedian, it’s a damn JOKE.

Was your goal with this article to simulate the 300 hour playtime?

Dear Salty Waitress - should I violate the boundaries of a customer who has so little interest in getting to know me that she hasn’t even told me her name?

Politics is bad, twitter is poison, put them together and you see the worst of people. Progressive, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, doesn’t matter people are blinded by politics and twitters anonymity brings out the worse in them. Thank you for being a sane and decent person.

Yay, I found a sane person!

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

Step 1: Remove bacon from this recipe and add chinese sausage. Thank me later

“We all should ignore right-wing trolls. Now here are a dozen articles about right-wing trolls.”

Or, and hear me out here, if you guys (all aggregation media) wouldn’t give the time of day to this edit job, no one would have even known it existed besides a small reddit group. Instead, you blast it out and give free press for a week, and then report on all the fall out.