touché, sir
touché, sir
touché, sir
touché, sir
you sure?
you sure?
I’ve noticed that articles about Overwatch as a game really make me want to play it, and articles about Overwatch players make me want to avoid it.
Jesus. Nobody is forcing you to spend money on anything. The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification. Here’s a suggestion for those who feel like they are being victimized by optional, often completely cosmetic microtransactions. It’s going to really…
Crap like this, and the response of “just get over it” is part of the reason I stopped watching Anime.
“Racist shitbag and sometime writer H.P. Lovecraft”
Looks like a Trump voter.
Hold up a second, are you trying to tell me an entitled, attention whoring gamergater is a lying hypocrite? I thought Cletus was a nice chap! How wrong we were
Trump can suck a butt. This unnamed ex-Twitter employee is a hero. He’s America’s version of that anonymous guy who stood in front of the tanks in Tiananmen Square.
Me too! I was totally wrong. And I own one now.
Happily admitting again that I was wrooooooong about the Switch. Congrats to Nintendo, and I’m looking forward to grabbing one.
I really feel bad for Feldman. He’s been talking about this for decades but he was largely ignored primarily because he’s Corey Feldman
OMG someone calmly and mildly criticized something in a game we better type up a whiny comment accusing the author of being more mad than he actually was
You’re not actually missing anything. All the entries are variations of Boos from Mario Bros
Yet another post that people at work can’t enjoy because the video wasn’t paraphrased in text. Such a shame. Kotaku was doing so good before, what happened?
(Also no day is a bad day if it starts with sex).
In case you needed more reasons to love and miss Carrie Fisher.
Claim your prize at customer service on your way out the door, Jeff.
Jif is peanut butter