I don’t know which should be most offended by this comment...his mouth or his sphincter?!
I don’t know which should be most offended by this comment...his mouth or his sphincter?!
Yeah, I can never get over how, when he makes that face, his lips look like a dilapidated asshole that’s had one too many peggings.
It’s actually worse than you imagined, because he sounds like he’s out of breath just getting those words out of his mouth.
... or like don’t? I ignore service dogs. I tell my children to ignore service dogs. Dog is working and human with the dog has enough problems to worry. Just respect their privacy. This is all you need to know.
I am in the group that feels you should just leave other people’s dogs alone.
i love dogs with every fiber of my being. i see service dogs working, and i think how great they are at their job, get a little sad that i wont be able to pet them, but then go back to thinking how good of a job that sweet bup is doing.
Honestly, as much of a dog lover as I am, and as difficult as it is for me to let any sweet pooch just go by, I leave the service dogs alone. They’ve got a hard enough job as it is without me getting in the way.
Thank you! I was going to write just that, but figured that another commenter would beat me to it. The librarian’s response was nuanced and thoughtful, but you’re right, not click-baity enough.
Or you could read the librarian’s actual response suggesting that donating books to a library in an already wealthy, predominately white neighborhood is dumb, giving suggestions as to better places to choose, but nah the White House’s narrative makes for better clickbait, good job AV Club!
Judging by the crap Ms. Remini’s getting, a lot of not-very-bright people do indeed watch this show. Heaven weeps.
So, there’s this guy who walks in a bar, gets a beer, starts chatting with the bartender, tells him his mother-in-law is a nagging hag who is driving him and his wife nuts, and at some point the bartender interjects:
Why didn’t he just say that in the first place?
So basically you’re saying, “Give up and pay the extortion money.”
Phyllis Diller, Katey Sagal, uh...
buoyed by the praise that finally women were being allowed to play crass, impolitic characters.