
He wasn’t funny before the post and probably still isn’t. Solid creative writing here, though.

I’d use any pork other than bacon, if you’re not using shrimp, unless you like a “breakfast-y” undertone to your rice.

No. Absolutely do not “pipe up.” If her husband died, she may still be grieving and she will volunteer that information at a time more appropriate, if she chooses to do so. If she doesn’t choose to do so, that means she doesn’t wish to share.

Until there’s a Dragon Quest game for Switch, whether it be one of the newer titles or ports of the older NES games, I won’t pay for another one. I own no other consoles and buying this through Steam just makes me feel bad inside.

This is maybe not the worst take out there, but it’s pretty terrible. Congrats.

We all know this in good fun, right? Sometimes these posts can be tough to read the tone on.

Nostalgia’s a helluva drug.

Wasn’t this done by Mythbusters?

Boo this man.

Weak jab at Iron Fist. Don’t be io9.

Yet, titles like Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest are absent from the Switch library. The argument that Monster Hunter is too processor intensive for Switch, I can reluctantly bow my head to, but I’ve yet to see any real explanation for Dragon Quest.

You’re a twit.

So glad you’re back and well, Fahey. Not enough people in the world call out WoW for its crap.

I see two of them, right there in the title photo.

I usually go by the length of the fur.

“A WoW expansion without staying power? What a surprise!”, said absolutely no one ever.

Counter point: If you see any law enforcement officer engaged in anything that might be construed as not just, film it. Just do it from a safe distance and do not get close enough that the possibility for an attack exists. It’s like filming wildlife.

Honestly, she’s lucky she’s not dead. If her husband is telling he truth and the surveillance video shows that kind of assault from an officer, that officer was using far more force than necessary to subdue the average 53 year old woman.

Did someone ask for this? Was it just one guy?

Ugh. Clerks was fucking terrible.