
Way to slip PBR in there, like nobody would notice. Gross.

Sure hope he gets his ass beat.


Let’s be friends.

That’s what Arby’s gets for switching to Coke. Yuck.

Here, I thought GTA Online ruined GTA Online years ago.


I own a Switch and not a 3DS. I have no plans to buy a 3DS. Ever. My family enjoys the Switch and the games that are available. As you said here, the library just continues to grow. It’s unfortunate that so many new titles are being released as 3DS exclusives, or inexplicably available on PC and/or other consoles,

As someone who has been the not-healthy person in relationships, it is often the first reaction to turn down offers of help from people willing to be outgoing.

I know what it’s like to feel alone in a room full of people. You’re right, it’s not something easily overcome, if you can ever really overcome it. Every situation and person is different, of course, but I would always encourage those people to talk to someone.

I can only draw from my own experiences, with both the loss of loved ones and my own struggles with my past and ongoing depression. If you or someone you know or someone you love feels like they’ve been turned away when they needed someone to lean on, keep looking. Those that turned you away are not the ones you

No one can ever hope to tell anyone else how to feel or how to manage those feelings or an illness. If you or someone you know/love is feeling hopeless and rejected, all you can do is try to make a connection or encourage them to keep trying.

It’s not just something to say when someone takes their own life, or a tag line to attach to terrible stories like this one. If you think there is no help for you, you’re wrong. If you think you’re alone, you’re not. If you’re embarrassed for any reason or you just don’t think you can talk to your friends or family,

Don Julio Blanco, a splash of Cointreau and the juice of half a lime over a couple or three very large ice cubes.

Alright, Gita. I’m reinstalling. I hope you’re happy.

So, if this final secret had been discovered closer to the release of the game, would it have been a clue as to the big reveal about his kid? Is it just a case of nobody found it before now, so the climax was just a sputter?

I think anyone that suspected squirrels of stealing from their garden wouldn’t probably watch any available footage of the theft “for fun.”

I think you’re projecting more than a little. I’m not your dad.

I think it’s pretty clear which one of us is upset here. I’m just trying to help you through this difficult time in your life.

The 30th Anniversary of showing the same content every year, with a new mockumentary here and there.