When Dump repeals the Clean Air Act will the charges be dropped?
When Dump repeals the Clean Air Act will the charges be dropped?
She makes $15k per month.
Earlier today Ghouliani said they found out 10 days ago. What, that thousandaire Dump had been making $35k payments for months?
A triple single!
It gets sunny in July in Seattle so he’s getting prepared.
Doesn’t have AR15 yet.
This Republican war on Christianity has to stop. Now let’s get our Church and State back together as Jesus (a founder) intended and reinstate this Chaplain. Who’s with me?
The Dems have no bench.
There’s dude in a full Jazz uniform behind the guy who gets yelled at!
Not shot by police.
Obviously some Time Lord, we’ll call him Bran Stark (cousin of Tony), is going to go back in time and change everything, right?
I tend to compartmentalize these things and don’t demand continuity. I wouldn’t know these movies were a continuing story if it weren’t for blogs.
Between “We are the Champions” and Fat Lady Sings references. I think the Finals were on tape delay and they celebrated by spraying Miller, the Champagne of Beers.
Slavery is a magic word that instantly pulls our attention from 20th and 21st century racism and discrimination. We have won the oppression Olympics already and the silver medalist finished 50 minutes behind. Stay away from the chains that are so easy for Whites to dissociate. Do you really think Europeans (white,…
He traveled.
Thanks, Obama.
I don’t give a shit about hockey and the Caps have disappointed me for forty years but BUH GAWD, that was the most delicious hit ever!
What’s the unwritten rule on this?
Human trafficking? Nah, they’re rich, nothing to see here. Now go arrest some crack addicts.
She’s a regular on Slate’s The Gist. It’s pretty funny when pros (she’s a psychologist) take up these sports. Like when super athletes like Tiger Woods take on golf. Always figured NBA players would dominate pro tennis.