There’s a running gag in Better off Dead(1985) where a paperboy keeps after John Cusack to pay him two dollars. I came here for that gag from a tepid comedy.
There’s a running gag in Better off Dead(1985) where a paperboy keeps after John Cusack to pay him two dollars. I came here for that gag from a tepid comedy.
The criminal justice system does not exist solely to criminalize people of color, you jackass.
Anecdotally, a raft of “Christian” and private schools were birthed when desegregation started and kicked into high gear when busing started. If you were too poor then home schooling was created to keep your kids segregated.
Academic fraud aside, can a college rescind someone’s real degree? Asking for a friend.
Pretty sure the character showed up over there to fight her based on her “beating up a guy” in a bar fight. He aptly surmised that weak, drunk college boy does not equate to sober, Soviet or FBI agents.
The “previously on” showed him breaking that guy’s neck and then he has Paige in the same hold.
Teaching her that FBI agents would fight back. Hell, the a-hole drunk at the bar may sober up and come looking for her since she humiliated him publicly.
E doesn’t know whom P beat up, however, that congressional intern with the possibly broken nose could raise some police involvement in the next episode.
Ten years ago we had local murder where the 17 year old shot his mother then shot his 11 and 4 year old sisters so they wouldn’t have to grow up without a mother. He’s eligible for parole in 2068.
Eilzabeth has an impressive body count this season. She murders someone every episode. Phillip just betrayed his country and since the commies may have the phone tapped, Elizabeth will be gunning for him next.
I’m sure he has disability insurance and the workplace injury damages are capped by workers compensation.
I tuned in to see Gotham having believed I had successfully avoided the 365 NFL Machine. Local talk radio won’t even talk about NBA playoffs.
Like one of those dystopian future movies.
Like one of those dystopian future movies. But it’s the dystopian present!
Baefield is 6'1" while Jackson is only 6'3".
(Save the) Caps have no destiny.
Presumably after the FBI finishes enforcing the NCAA’s rules it will look into this phenomenon.
The interview was in March (and this article) it’s not post-verdict, touchdown dancing.
The “stay scheming . . .” is a lyric from a Rick Ross song. Which begs the questions whether and when white people (or anybody) can appropriately quote rap songs.
Yeah, but Liberty Media is running a business trumpets how much the team’s value has increased. Billionaires gonna billion. Maybe 81 wins this year?