
You sound like my boyfriend. The year before he turned 30, he changed his eating habits and hit the gym much more (he's always been into fitness, he just amped it up.) I've always been slender but I've noticed the closer I'm getting to 30 that shit is happening to my body and weight is not flying off like it use to.


A Californian once said "You should, like, move to the East Coast" to me AS AN INSULT. It was spectacular. People truly found me outrageous at times; bizarre.

Ha, I had the reverse — moving from London to California. People were frequently just *shocked* by how "mean" I was. I loved living in LA but that part of it was frustrating.

"But Asians are only 4% of the population! Why do they need a sitcom?!"

Remember the first time someone explained to you what "negging" was, and suddenly you're like holy shit!

He was a ghost with nothing to do, maybe he liked to read when wasn't watching people shower.

Votes for women, step in time...

I'm not even mad at Target, shit happens and they're trying to fix it. I AM upset because I called my bank to get a replacement card, and 10 business days later I call them again to see what the hold up is, and apparently my first request didn't go through.

A man in a hat can look awesome! It's the idea of a fake persona to go with it that seems to be the problem with the dude in the article.


This picture is so beautiful. I love the celebration of female strength and beauty! Too often, media treats them as mutually exclusive.

Seriously. These legs are works of art. They almost look like they should be a sculpture by Michelangelo.

I'm really excited that this ad campaign treats them like the athletes that they are.

So excited a female dancer got PAID with a major endorsement. They work so hard. Their field is so impossible. Yay Misti!!!

Misty Copeland is my idol. She started ballet late (13) and altho I started much much MUCH later (as in, in my 40s) the fact that she didn't start at age 3 and is so insanely talented and successful AND doesn't have a "classic classic" ballet body - ie, for a classic ballet dancer, she's considered curvy - makes her

I love this shot because you can see just how much muscle dancers have. So often people are like, "oh ballerinas are so dainty, so tiny, they're so fragile" No! This is what a dancer muscle looks like under the tights. It's awesome.

Endorsed by Bill O'Reilly!

Dear Powers that Be at Jezebel:

A file photo of the individual funding the study.