
Given what an absolute waste of space Tucker is, I’ve been wondering for some time how he managed to become the last idiot standing at Fox. This is a man who was insulted off the air by a comedian because of his bow-tie twenty years ago... how is he now top dog? He seems to have no redeemable qualities, no clever

I have gotten sick after almost every long flight I’ve ever taken, and I’m a person who LOVES to travel. I’ll be fully vaccinated soon and clearly the world isn’t ready for full international travel again, but when it is, I’m wearing a mask on those planes. If I can avoid nasty common colds, why wouldn’t I? I haven’t

This house is what happens when Goth Girl/Boy falls in love with All American Quarterback Boy/Girl and they decide to throw caution to the wind and make it work even if both their friends and families never quite understand and I approve.

I had a trumper friend. It would be so weird. She’d start railing on and on about some political issue and I’d correct her. She’d look it up, realize I was right, and change her opinion... but it never lasted. Like, the NEXT day, she’d be right back at the exact same point, as though going to sleep was a a hard rest

Me too, but it was definitely a moment when I was like, the fuck? Do you even HAVE medical training? Do you just sit here all day hoping the only people who walk through your office door have a high BMI so you can call them fat? It almost made me want to gorge on a box of donuts in the hopes that at the next visit

I once had a doctor flat out say to me while I was there after months and months of struggling, “If you were overweight, I’d tell you to lose weight... but you’re not... so...”

In the end they suggested surgery, which seemed wrong to me and I finally found a doctor who looked at me in horror when relayed that

My gear head shirtless friend (he’ll have a mullet soon enough since he won’t get his haircut due to Covid) moved to a town that had a Trump parade one day when I was visiting him and he was of a similar mind and he’s freely admitted he was a Trump guy in 2016 who is now ashamed. Like, where are these people coming

Exactly what my mind went to as well!

I’ve only ever gotten a single speeding ticket in my life. The week before I was pulled over I was coming out of my gym late at night and this cop comes up to me in uniform and tells me how he sees me every night and I look so good and fit, and would I like to go out with him. I told him I was married and his

I live in CA and so far I’ve gotten at LEAST 3 to 5 mailers from him and he got a hold of my phone number so I get text messages as well. I’ve gotten text messages from the Sanders campaign and we’ve had canvassers show up for Warren and Sanders but they’re the only ones. Bloomberg is definitely out spending them hand

Mmmm... he’s been marinading himself in Coors light for years... do you think that will impact the way he tastes?

I’ve found this attitude to be rather common among some of my older Gen X friends as well about a whole host of problems. It’s too late to solve the health care crisis in America, we should have done it back when the rest of the world did. It’s too late to change global climate issues, we should prepare for a mass

Had a nice* debate with some friends who are basically... politically stupid and don’t follow the news and when the impeachment hearings were brought up they shrugged and said “they all break the law, it doesn’t matter.” So... the strategy holds up I guess?

*By nice I mean I wanted to smash my head on the table

I did once lose about 20 pounds in 6 days... it was extremely unhealthy and no one should ever try it on purpose!

One of the many reasons I am not having them either. No chance on any of the bad parenting habits I experienced as a child sneaking through if I have no children.

Seriously. I mean, I live in major CA city and I’ve got one neighbor still all in on Trump because their tax return looks good this year and one who probably won’t get off his ass and vote one way or the other regardless. I have NO idea what’s going to happen in 2020.

Shit, I forgot all about her... What was that? Like, 250 years ago or something?

But none of these lists include Ted Cruz...

At our last apartment, I woke up one morning and saw a black hand print (like dirt or grease or something) on our balcony railing as if someone had been pulling themselves up from the deck beneath us (we were on the second floor) onto our level. I have no idea where it came from and there was only one by I installed a

Nah, he can’t be. Didn’t you see? The man’s a VIRGIN!!!