
It’s the cult mindset. Indoctrination is really, really hard to shake once it has you.

See also: Religion

Oh gosh, this reminds me of a terrible time in my life... bottom line, abdominal surgery apparently triggered extreme gluten sensitivity (haven’t been tested for celiac). Close to a year of suffering with atypical symptoms, finally went to a gastroenterologist who looked at me and said “well if you’d lose some

Sorry for your loss.

This is gonna sound snarky, but why couldn’t you drive somewhere for your vacation? Is there nowhere nice within an 8 hour drive? 

Thank you. I needed to see that others were as critical of this piece. Conflating people who are forced to work outside the home with people who choose to eat out regularly, not wear masks in public, or travel for large holiday gatherings is just plain silly.

Yeah, this article is clearly all about absolving themselves of behaviors that they know to be clearly wrong. Shaming people who flout guidelines designed to keep others from dying is 100% correct and justified. It is nothing like gossip. Blaming their bad behavior on the government not legislating morality? That’s

I work 7 days a week on covid response and had to send my kids to live with their grandparents, but yeah, sure, I shouldn’t judge people who take holidays, have large gatherings, don’t wear masks etc. despite all the government warnings and rules enforcing guidelines around those things. 

I’m glad that you found this trip was justified, but this is also privilege that most of the people in health care can’t afford right now. The people at the actual forefront of this pandemic...  My husband also works with covid patients daily (not remotely) as a doctor in the ICU. We haven’t seen our friends and family

Also, I have to say that I am thankful that I wasn’t the only one ready to call this opinion piece bullshit. I can’t believe the utter garbage I just read lmfao, G/O strikes again I guess

A few weeks ago, a friend told me that he was thinking of flying over the Christmas holiday to visit his grandmother ... Could the maxim “stay home” apply so neatly to him?

I don’t shame or scold because, as another commenter wrote, no one cares what I think. I don’t consider myself that militant. I understand that people and situations are grey. I appreciate the nuance and I am *still* judging those who play at social distancing, the people on my timeline who made New Year’s posts

You want me to be empathetic to someone who lacked the empathy to stay the fuck home and not kill someone’s grandma over a stupid social gathering. Ok. Being shamed over selfish behavior is a mild punishment.

I don’t feel bad about judging people at all during this. When I see a moron walking around the store 9 months into the pandemic with his nose sticking out of the top of his mask, then he deserves to be mentally labeled in my head as a fucking idiot.

I don’t see anyone shaming anyone for going to work. I see people shaming other people for going on vacations, going shopping maskless, and going to clubs/bars. None of which anyone HAS to do. I know this because I’ve managed to not do it in almost a year!! Because being responsible is not limited to people with

Wait, are you defending anti-maskers because you think “viruses don’t spread that way”? Because everyone from Fauci to my (former) immunology professor to my (former) microbiology professor, and my previous employer (that I had to leave due to the pandemic) all say to stay home, and if you have to leave the house then

This is not a great take.

People who are extra careful can get sick, just as those who are (or appear to be) careless might.”

Or she’s in the middle of filming in a wig and was on a break

She is acting in a role where she has to wear a wig (see her Instagram post from 10/28/2020).  The wig needs to fit to her head tightly and braiding your hair close to your head is one of the best ways to do that.  

Did this occur during the time the serial killer Israel Keyes was active? Burying a “murder bucket” in a random location and coming back to it years later were part of his MO. He died in prison, but the FBI is still investigating his activities to identify victims.