
I have a very devout catholic friend who posted an image on facebook or something that basically said “You wouldn’t leave the Church because of Judas, why leave because of this evil? Jesus is greater than evil and God’s love is never ending” or some gibberish. Honestly, my jaw hit the floor.

Well, once you’ve witnessed as many as he has, it can be difficult to keep them all straight through the hazy drunken memories...

I was just barely out of my teen years and was traveling in France, I didn’t even know what the laws were regarding sexual assault, I didn’t have a great handle on the language, and besides, he was my traveling companion. He was the one who was supposed to watch my back while we were over there.

I feel so bad for this woman. Not only for what she endured when she was 15, but for the weight of the world that has fallen upon her shoulders today. It is bullshit. She cannot win. No matter what she does now, she’s making the wrong choice by someone’s standards and they will LOUDLY tell her how wrong she is for all

The sad thing is, I think THEY THINK they learned something. That’s why the narrative I see many of them pushing is actually sort of a gray area of “Oh yes, we believe her. Something bad probably happened to her at that party, but not from OUR GUY. No... no, as far as that goes, she’s MISTAKEN! It was a trauma after

My sister is quite proud of our family’s “bastard” connection to him, so we are in good company I assume!

Try dumping a bucket of water on him? Maybe he’ll melt like the wicked witch of the west? Either that or garlic.

I mean, let’s say it actually was her apartment. What if the man inside had been her building super, or a maintenance worker? I mean, when I rented in a larger building, I once had a pipe break beneath my bathroom and start flooding a downstairs neighbor, but they had to access my apartment to repair it and, ya know,

The only reason I am fortunate enough to not have to work a second job as a writer is because my significant other has a very stable and well-paying job that provides me with health insurance. Most people who decide to work sporadic jobs with unreliable incomes need a second, more reliable, one or a partner with one.

I have a friend who works for CPS in Arizona and she told me about a similar program in Phoenix but when I looked around, I couldn’t find one for where I live unfortunately.

Exactly. I mean, if she had been able to say to me “Yes, I need help, can you drive me to the hospital?” boyfriend and I could have done that, but I don’t have the legal authority nor the training to say “hey, I think you’re trying to throw yourself in front of a car, and that’s bad, so I’m forcing you into my car and

You’ve got me, but if you figure it out, let me know.

I went for a walk last month at night and there was this woman on the other side of the street wailing and moaning and staggering about barefoot in a little black dress. At first, we thought she was just... really drunk, but then she started lunging towards traffic

My youngest sister had a bad breakup and then started seeing this deadbeat 30 year old. My parents freaked out but I talked them down when I explained that she was 21 and had life plans. She was in college, had a career path pretty much all lined up, and wanted things from her life. She was going to outgrow him before

I also bring interruptingmancat shirts from everywhere I go! He has a great one from Loch Ness of angry Nessie that makes me laugh. I also send all the kid relatives CA stuff because “My aunt lives in CA!” sounds cool.

I “interned” one summer in the art department of the king of those shirt companies. They make all those dragons, and fairies, and howling wolf shirts with flags in the background that you find literally EVERYWHERE in the world. Mostly because my lined-up job fell through and my dad knew the owner, it was the only

I mean, I have no kids and I never want kids. I’m not even particularly fond of most kids. That has no impact on whether I want them educated or not though. I don’t want to live in a society with no educational prospects available to the majority of its children. Besides, child is the father of the man and all, these

He’s that shady area that exists between all generations where you can easily be dumped into both before the generations are defined!

Woke up this morning and my throat was so sore I could barely talk. Last time it got like this was last year during the Napa Valley and Sonoma fires. Those were so bad I felt my nasal passages starting to scar up as well. No. More. Fires.

Me and my cat nap to that show, it’s our napping show. I adamantly refuse to declare war on it! What will I nap to then?

Way back when I was a cashier at a grocery store during my high school years the majority of WIC vouchers that came through my line were from the wives of active duty service men. I mean, clearly it shouldn’t matter who has the WIC voucher because everyone deserves to eat, especially children and pregnant women, but