
State’s rights, bitches!

Being promoted in the Trump white house sounds like the worst reward ever...

Clearly, the feeling is mutual.

arm those bears!

Not to mention, when does it become acceptable for a teacher to use their gun? Clearly we have decided they can shoot a school shooter, but what about the 240lb athlete menacing them and grabbing for the gun? What about a 10 year old going into a flaring tantrum and throwing things about while grabbing at the gun?

We can all safely assume Mr Burns ran on the Republican ticket and Marge was campaigning against him so we all know the lady is a Democrat!

Freud, ugh, the epitome of important to teach but for the love of God don’t believe anything in this book. I definitely have many of those writers on my shelves. Also ended up reading Camus, Sartre, and Simone de Beauvoir in rather high quantities but that was probably the concentration of French language works in my

After undergrad I moved 3000 miles for graduate school and I clearly didn’t take many books cause books are heavy and I was poor. Anyways, I had to ask my father to mail me my copy of Foucault’s History of Sexuality after I did. He was very embarrassed as he didn’t know what it was about. After my MA, I again left

I’ve read the Bible, Atlast Shrugged, the Communist Manifesto, and a whole host of other books with varying ideas as have most college students. I somehow managed to come away from the experience a free thinking adult with my own set of ideas but an understanding for where people who think differently from me might

I’m saying that’s neither here nor there. It doesn’t matter if the book has good ideas, bad ideas, or bat shit crazy ideas. What matters is it was an exceedingly influential work that shaped a great number of ideas in the the century following its publication. It’s important. Well meaning people can debate the value

Even if it is, so what? I mean, it was a world changing book when it was published. It SHOULD be read and dissected and studied in college and graduate schools. Just because a book is assigned doesn’t mean that it has GOOD ideas in it. Are we afraid that our college students lack the intellectualism to read a fucking

My mother is a teacher. My mother hates guns. My mother would be a terrible armed protector of children. She would be scared of the thing and under pressure would be even less likely to hit a target but she sure would make for a good first target for a shooter to take aim at as the only armed person in the room. I do

I mean, I hope they don’t remember in this instance what teenagers are like because more students walking out is a bigger impact but seriously, if you want to downplay this, ignore it. Ignore them and the world will just keep spinning as it has after every atrocity and nothing will get done. All those teens on the

Now, now, now, I’m sure there are some lovely lesbian wives out there who would love to take him to dinner!

As a teenager that probably would have just motivated me to do it even more. Had I been on the fence, that would have been the deciding factor to go. Do these people even understand teenagers?

When teenagers find the motivation and follow through they are pretty fucking scary. You will never have more energy than when you are a teen. They can outdistance all of us olds who need a nap every now and then.

A cat lover’s paradise...

Perhaps he’s almost like a human being?

I assume it ALMOST doesn’t have to be said under the same grammatical assumption that he’s LIKE a smart man.

But they kept the head, perhaps to mount as a trophy on their wall?