
I had some friends who got married and moved to Utah from the East Coast. I do not recognize them anymore. They are SO involved in the church now it scares the shit out of me. They were both sort of awkward geeky theater kids when we were teens but now, they are weird religious adults who don’t even trust one another

My boyfriend’s supervisor for years was a Mormon. He always seemed like a perfectly nice guy when I met him. I’m deeply suspicious things aren’t really that clean behind closed doors because of some incidents regarding his oldest son a few years ago, but it was straight up the weirdest thing to hear him talk. It was

Yeah, I’ve had some kind of diagnosed medical problem brewing for years but for some unknown reason that I shall never know it has REALLY become exasperated this year. (No really, complete mystery, no idea where the added stress came from... could be anything... like this article says, anything...) I just burn through

I sleep too much, so if you could take some of this sleep so you can be rested and I can actually get shit done during the day that’d be fantastic...

No, as men are quick to point out, no woman cares what her man LOOKS like. Men care about physical appearance, women care about... personality and verve or some shit. And clearly being an abuser isn’t a personality trait you can hold against a man because he says he didn’t do it and as we already established if the

I’ve had that argument with people from all walks of life too. Men who want to know why we just don’t tell them “no” like a big girl, conservative women who want to know why we have encouraged women to embrace their sexuality if we weren’t prepared for this behavior from men, liberal women who preach how THEY always

Strangely enough, I’m working on the final round of rewrites for my second novel with my editor and agent right now for my publisher. It’s historical fiction and set right at the dawn of WWI in the Industrial Age. I occasionally write something and think “is this too outlandish to be believable? I mean, it’s accurate

My cat is so very British...

He didn’t tweet because they’ve had him doped up and sleeping for the last 48 hours just so he can appear calm and collected for a single hour tonight and deliver a speech which will then be heralded as a reset and so presidential until he resumes his usual irrational behavior tomorrow once the uppers or downers or

But he could very easily be our WWI if we don’t slam on the brakes soon.

I mean, my first name is uncommon enough that creepy men HAVE managed to successfully track me down from just having that and searching Facebook and send fucking creepy messages. Couple the unique name with a distinct look and I was pretty easy for them to locate. My boyfriend’s name is so common though that even his

Strange, I never hear any women saying how crazy this is. I hear some other terrible things such as “this is just how it is” or “oh that’s not so bad, get over it” but never “MEN HARASS WOMEN??? I AM SHOCKED AT THIS NEWS!!!”

In all fairness, why would anyone else dare come forward? The poor woman who he assaulted has been torn down by the very people who are supposed to support victims because she’s not the right kind of victim for them. She supports Republicans and he’s a big name Democrat who could never do anything like that because he

I could have sworn they already faced this problem in season 1 with the school shooting scene overlapping with a real life shooting but it may all just be blurring together after all these years...

And then conveniently cut eye holes in and wear for their evening out to the nice cross burning.

From me there was much screaming in frustration and shouts of “NO! IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT! THIS IS FACT! YOU CAN’T ARGUE WITH FACT!”

oops! My bad! Gotta be PC to southern whites!

State’s Rights? But DEFINITELY not the right to own slaves. Slavery was on the way out. Don’t you know it was costing the south money to keep slaves? The Irish were the real ones to suffer.

I got into an argument the other day and the lady told me the reason the Southern State’s Letters of Secession use the word “slavery” is because history is written by the winners. So, after winning the Civil War, the North... made the South write phony backdated letters citing slavery as the reason for propaganda

I eventually stopped answering “America” and went with “California” instead. California made me people go “Ohhhhh... I LOVE California!” or “I want to visit California SO BAD!” and frankly, that was just easier. Anyone who knew anything about American politics also figured out my Trump stance all on their own from the