
I split my time between Poland and California, I was in Warsaw for a month as of about a week ago. People in the city were gritting their teeth about his arrival and when I met someone new I couldn’t get more than a few words out after the exchange “Where are you from?” before “So.... what do you think of Trump?” I’m

It’s a protest, so not government sanctioned, but yes. The lights are against the Palace of Science and Culture which is a huge controversial building dominating the Warsaw skyline which was built by the Soviets as a symbol of their strength and dominance.

Yes, welcome to Warsaw, Trump.

When I moved to my current town we heard several of the locals refer to the commuter rail as the “jazz line” which brought in nothing but trouble and I immediately regretted living among them.

It’s from one of their tree house of horror episodes I think. He’s a demon crawling on the roof a la The Exorcist with a backwards head and Marge says “I’ll call work and tell them he can’t make it again today...” Homer cheers, falls onto the bed, head still backwards and says suckers while laughing.

I had some shitbag pull this on me to try to GET me to date him. I was involved in a long term relationship and this guy would send me messages about how not having me made him want to “take a claw hammer to his head”. I never responded. I’m not going to leave my stable relationship to come take care of your

I’m just left to wonder if not a single one of them has any ambition beyond their current situation or has any interest in how history will treat their legacy.

Just because it wasn’t mentioned in this singular article does not mean the discussion of adoption is missing from the narrative. Every woman who discusses or considers abortion has heard the “why don’t you just give the baby up for adoption” argument a thousand times. We know it is an option. We are sick of being

Have you frosted them yet? There may still be a chance...

I believe we call this tactic, The Art of the Deal!


Feminism doesn’t owe her anything, SHE owes feminism for the fact that she is able to be the successful terrible person she is today.

I grew up with a cemetery in my backyard that dated back to the early 1800s, possibly late 1700s, I can't quite remember. My sisters and I played there as children. People seem to find it incredibly upsetting when they learn this fact. We turned out... mostly normal.

The last wedding I was in I had to keep nixing the big weekend ideas the other women in the bridal party were pitching me. Two of us were flying 3000 miles for the wedding and I knew the other person was a student. We were thrilled to fly back 'home' for our friend's wedding but it hardly seemed fair to pile

sounds romantic!

I'm feeling it's more like the "Majority of Humans think Mike Huckabee is Wrong"

Damn big government overreach... protecting us from rabies infected animals.