
Fuck, animals are legally property and you can't even do quite a bit of that to them without the state taking a vested interest in you. Why in God's name would a parent have more ownership rights over their children than their dog?

This actually sadly seems to sum up the majority of human nature problem solving. Nah, not a problem yet... OH SHIT! NOW IT'S CRITICAL! DAMN IT! Now we HAVE to act!

Well... my university was really fucking white. That probably explains why he sold out the place.


I seem to recall that bit as well. Around the same time I was in college and I worked at the university arena. Cosby performed one night and I had to work it because out of hockey season the arena didn't get enough work for me to turn down gigs and I was the liaison rep to the rich people seating. I have never liked

... how do you think medical staff are returning to their home countries after treating Ebola?

How do they think the medical staff treating Ebola overseas are getting home? Flapping there arms really fast and getting a running start?

Not to mention the fact that cystic acne hurts like a mother fucker! Some of those sores can just debilitate a whole half of your face when they are emerging through the skin making it numb or throbbing. And then you're left with a giant open bloody sore for 48 hours that turns into a nasty scar for the next 3 to 6

I'm a much happier gym goer when I can snag the tv in front of the TNT tv playing nonstop Law and Order episodes. Hell, even the CNN tv is better than when I get stuck in front of the Fox tv. I hate that tv. I can't blame my gym, they have something like 20 tvs affixed to the cieling, but I hate when I end up in front

My parents had a rescue dog who was terrified of men with beards. Again, clearly something bad had happened to her in her past, she had a lot of baggage. Anyways, we lived down the street from a Catholic Church with a very chill priest who happened to have a beard. One Easter I was home and took her for a walk just as

Meh... I still think google can make up better origins!

I don't even know if these jeans are skinny or flare, they could be fucking overalls for all I know! Hard for me to want them if I don't even know what cut they are.

Well, ya know... let me know when you figure that out!

I'm sure you have a lovely face, very slappable!

Shoes? Where?

Well, luckily, I really am a cat. Excuse me, there's a beautiful sun puddle I must go lie in now.

I also think throwing in the woman who wanted better skin because she suffers from acne and eczema was weird. She wants a legitimate medical ailment gone. Yes, it tends to make skin less conventionally attractive but it's also a painful medical problem. Maybe she wants it changed because she's sick of her skin itching

Speak for yourself. My district in CA just went with sweeping Republicans for everything as far as I can tell. We reelected a trans-phobic bigot who wants our prison system to remain overcrowded and in violation of the constitution for cruel and unusual punishment. I'm also pretty sure our congressional rep was voted

In 2012 I spent a solid 5 minutes just staring at the two names running for congress in my district, I didn't want to vote for either of them. It was a shitty non-decision. I went with the democrat because I didn't want more republicans and our district was heavily up for grabs. He won. He was better than expected but