
I'm under thirty and our polling place was a senior assisted living facility. Gee, I wonder why all the old people were able to get out and vote...

Well, later when he was talking with his mother he did say "one of the girls came so fast I didn't feel right charging her full price" or something like that.

Plan B the slut pills or Plan B that secret scroll we keep in a locked box and don't talk about, cause I'm down for both.

What? Don't you have "the sex"?

Hell, you should see the stuff some people pass onto me to show my agent. "Light it on fire" is a generous way to describe some of the writing out there coming from people who think they have a career in the field ahead of them.

I think her jaw was hanging open because she couldn't believe she had to prove something so basic to someone so stupid. I mean, if someone insisted I 'prove' evolution to them I'd probably also just stare at them in wonder. Especially if that person just burst into my house and tried to steal my adopted kid from me to

My roommate in college and I once won a writing contest by writing a good horror story parody and then going through and turning it into garbage. It's fun, you think of cliches, you bust out the thesaurus and put in words that don't QUITE work but are over 8 letters long, you bust out the truly god awful comparisons

Evidently we just stand and look helplessly at our suitcases until a man shows up to move them for us, you know... chivalry or something? If no men show up we just stand there until they do. You have NO idea how many flights women miss on average waiting for a man to move their suitcases!

Call me a sucker but I kind of like the hard copy back up of everything, not that I don't trust my computer or the cloud (I don't) but I like having something that can't magically just vanish into thin air or refuse to play on a different program. I download stuff from time to time but generally, I just prefer to

Yeah, I was at a New England university that didn't have much a Greek presence either. If you don't let the system get too powerful, it's pretty easy to break up anything that gets out of control.

I never would have known if I hadn't worked that 6 weeks? It's really not widely known information. I fucking hate tipping culture, it results in this. Everyone knows some people who rely on tips but there are dozens of industries that are expected to collect tips and are paid at the bare minimum that people don't

When I was a Freshman our university shut down one frat that had a bad reputation, I'm pretty sure it just broke up. It had been operating as an unofficial fraternity for a few years but once the university shut it down, it just vanished. In this case though the university owned so much of the surrounding town and had

Yes! At least in America you are suppose to! Please tip in the future. So many people don't know and it really is a terrible job that is underpaid and precarious to hold onto for so many of the people who work it. I worked lots of shit jobs as a kid until I finished high school and I can safely say I'd rather do ANY

It's true, cleaning staff get paid at JUST BARELY minimum wage with the understanding that they'll make tips to make up the difference of cost of living, that being said, virtually no one knows they are suppose to tip or remembers to so the system is double terrible. It's not quite the same as servers in restaurants

I only had the job for maybe a month or 6 weeks because when something better came along I jumped at the chance but where I worked they pretty much drilled into us that we weren't allowed to take any money from a room that was still occupied unless it was 100% clear that it was a tip for us. It's probably the same at

And I notice she's no longer with the father either... I bet she just wants to go on the government dime and get food stamps to feed our lord and savior as well!


... it was a joke jerk. Is a statue of Mary a venerated object that is protected by this law or just a lady and therefore just an object so not protected by the law. I'm not a devils advocate type.

I have always left an extra large tip since that summer, I'm sure not all places are as miserable as the hotel I worked at but I'm betting most of them are.